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Register service extensions when the `Service` stream is listened to #2384

Closed elliette closed 3 months ago

elliette commented 4 months ago

Work towards https://github.com/flutter/devtools/issues/7313

Copy the VM service behavior of registering service extensions when a client subscribes to the Service stream: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/main/sdk/lib/vmservice/vmservice.dart#L588

Not a complete fix, because DWDS' streamListen implementation is not being called in response to DevTools streamListen here: https://github.com/flutter/devtools/blob/20c66f853252bb7199c9bc2dafa17f3f28dee0d0/packages/devtools_app_shared/lib/src/service/service_manager.dart#L343

bkonyi commented 4 months ago

To be clear, the VM service's implementation doesn't actually register the extensions when the Service stream is listened to, it just posts ServiceRegistered events for each extension so the client knows which services are currently registered. In theory, the client doesn't have to listen to the Service stream and can get the list of service extensions from the Isolate object and invoke them that way.

Is there no way for DWDS to register these service extensions at startup?

bkonyi commented 4 months ago

Ah, nevermind, we register them against each individual client... let's meet and discuss when you have a chance, I think I might be missing some context.

elliette commented 3 months ago

More work is required here, closing this.