darthcloud / BlueRetro

Multiplayer Bluetooth controllers adapter for retro video game consoles
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Dreamcast internal ESP32 install has trouble connecting on startup #720

Open Tronicgg opened 1 year ago

Tronicgg commented 1 year ago

BlueRetro firmware version


BlueRetro firmware specification


BlueRetro firmware variant

System specific

BlueRetro hardware type

Internal install DIY



System used

SEGA Dreamcast

Bluetooth controller brand & name

DualShock4, Switch Pro Controller

What is problem? (only list ONE problem per report)

Having trouble connecting to DS4 & Pro Controller on system startup. Generally it won't connect to synced controllers on startup. I have to reset ESP32 (installed an external switch) every time for successful connection. Random disconnect every now and then too. Any ideas on where to start troubleshooting?

What did you expect to happen?

Normal sync.

Attach files like logs or Bluetooth traces here

No response

konwektor commented 10 months ago

I got simillar issue in gamecube internal install with xbox controllers. If I use combo "Disconnect controller (+ power off internal mod)", esp32 is disconnecting all controllers, switching off console, and waits for BT connections from paired gamepads.(because still got power). This way if i switch on gamepad, it connects quite fast to blueretro. Other way if i use boot btn on esp32 to disconnect paired controllers, reconnecting sometimes takes a long, long time, or doesnt work at all. If i switch manually console off, with pwr button, same problems with reconnecting, long time, and mostly if reconnected, combo doesnt work anymore (all combos) - in console log I see that combo has been pushed, but doesnt do anything, no reaction. Best solutions in my case - use combo to power off console.

vsilvalopes commented 7 months ago

Hi! I've got a similar problem, and in my case was a faulty ESP32 module.

I've followed this wiring here : https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEhEEHrUV8xf8Lb1pUbTi-9clwhY9pi5wiNO3tkd9Rq3EPIOHbxG524GJ0dFGXF24Vt8d_aRD_s8yPBsJMFJHzm3L4vQd-HqYb1DwDlonZeq9mwaMqoYREwrZufBlq2Yxdc4oKemPoERgIFZPLnG7fwhUCUEbUgk-hotoaqyMaP3vLMPuy5Puzvc2k8vdA=s3300

It's from a Colombian modder, Yakara.

Check it out, because mine is working as expected, but at first I've got the same problem as you. And it was a faulty ESP module.

Tronicgg commented 7 months ago

Thanks mate, will try swapping it for a new module.

darthcloud commented 2 months ago

@Tronicgg did swapping module resolve your issue?

Tronicgg commented 2 months ago

@Tronicgg did swapping module resolve your issue?

@darthcloud This one has not completely gone away. It does work most of the time, but still have to power cycle the ESP32 because it wont connect on startup sometimes. Before changing the module I had to power cycle on every Dreamcast startup. Now only sometimes.

VMU is working fine after a couple weeks of testing.