darthcloud / BlueRetro

Multiplayer Bluetooth controllers adapter for retro video game consoles
Apache License 2.0
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Blun64 controller + gamecube stick + blueretro issue #969

Closed curcius closed 2 months ago

curcius commented 2 months ago

BlueRetro firmware version


BlueRetro firmware specification


BlueRetro firmware variant

System specific

BlueRetro hardware type

Internal install DIY


Esp32 wroom module

System used

Nintendo 64

Bluetooth controller brand & name

BluN64 esp32 original nintendo 64 mod controller

What is problem? (only list ONE problem per report)

Dear dev's

Thank you very much for this fantastic project.

I have an esp32 wroom installed on my N64 with firmware 1.9.2, all the controls I have tested to date have worked perfectly, however I set up a bluetooth control project for the N64 with JPZV's esp32 and with the original big N stick it works perfectly on both Nintendo Switch and blueretro.

But I recently acquired a stick from China with the appearance of the gamecube, on the Nintendo Switch it works perfectly, on the Steam Deck also the two blueretro and Nintendo Switch modes, but on the Blueretro (my N64) after a while one of the sides of the stick, usually downwards, stops working. works, it only works again when I restart the control, but a few minutes later the failure occurs again.

Here's the issue link on JPZV's github: https://github.com/JPZV/BluN64-ESP32/issues/13

Are there any settings to improve this? Any corrections? I really wish it worked with blueretro =/.

Below are photos of the stick and more.


Failure video: https://youtu.be/oamgQhMjGbg

What did you expect to happen?

Help to correct this failure, configuration or firmware adjustments

Attach files like logs or Bluetooth traces here

Unfortunately I don't know how to collect logs, if anyone can teach I would appreciate it.

curcius commented 2 months ago

I found in the faq how to log but I don't know if I did it correctly, follow the file


curcius commented 2 months ago

I managed to solve it with this configuration like the photo


curcius commented 2 months ago


curcius commented 2 months ago