dartmouth-cs98-23f / arena

Monorepo for Arena, an open platform for freeform bets
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T1 Summary #106

Open RavinAnderson opened 10 months ago

RavinAnderson commented 10 months ago

T1 Summary


Summarize any feedback you got during demos.

Tim came around and was the one who looked at our demo. He said it would be a good idea to have a way for the user to see where the trend currently is on their positions (like an up arrow or down arrow). We also need to think about how we're going to implement verifiers for bets into our system and what the admin database is going to look like in order for bets to clear. The money transfer system made sense. Big part of feedback was figuring out which bets to display to users (i.e. will it match their preferences or have multiple pages). If there's 10000 bets, which ones do we show?


Record your observations and any insights/conclusions you may have about them. Identify top patterns and write them up. Record the number of email signups you got.

More user testing needs to be done, but the plan is to roll out a beta version to get some more feedback at the beginning of winter term. We know our database scales better on iOS than an iOS simulator. We haven't done any load tests, but it's something we'll play around with more during spring term.


Is there any analysis you can do of the demos - what percentage of users claimed X or Y. If you had numerical answers was there any statistical significance to the answers?

Most users understood the product, but wondered about legality issues in terms of gambling and what it looked like in different states. The UI/UX of our product was very self-explanatory and users could navigate around as they wanted.

Notes To Future Us

Leave notes to yourself for next term - what should your next steps be?

Next steps is to get user authentication up and running and get the product working for every user depending on their oauth token. After, we need to figure out a system of verifiers and assignees for verification so admin can know the outcome of bets once they're over.


Reflect on how your team is working together

Our team is pretty well-functioning. There were some problems with travel and technology damage that caused some of the features to be pushed, but at the end of the day we were able to get past the rebase problems and make an MVP we're all proud of. Getting the frontend working with the backend took some conversations amongst the entire team for what we wanted, but we were able to make it work and get everything connected.

What has been working well?

give kudos and shoutouts, comment on communication techniques that have worked, pr review practices, etc

Kudos to Ian Kim for nearly single-handedly doing the backend. Kudos to Itish and Jeff for understanding how economics worked and how bets would clear etc. Kudos to Qaisar and Mahir for doing a great job on the frontend and adhering to the design we set in Figma at the beginning. Kudos to Ravin for doing a lot of the work to link the frontend and backend, even though his laptop was out of service for a couple weeks.

I think the PR practices worked really well, getting one approver ensured things wouldn't break as often. Making multiple branches and ensuring things merged automatically with main worked really well too.

What has not?

try to discuss any problems openly and respectfully. communication breakdowns? are some team-members taking others tasks for themselves? is anybody ghosting? etc

I think we can overall do a better job with sticking to deadlines. If someone says they'll do something, then asking for help in a timely fashion in they case they're stuck is a good idea. Being responsive to messages (say within 4 hours max) is important so things can continue to roll without a problem.


if there are problems, think of some ways to resolve them, go back to your team contract from last term to see what you said you would do for resolution

Some steps include daily syncs where everyone shows up. Sometimes attendance at meetings can be spotty, but for winter term we'll make a push to have everyone attend every meeting, especially the ones during class time.

timofei7 commented 9 months ago

Good thoughts good thoughts!

"We know our database scales better on iOS than an iOS simulator. " what? Isn't your database on the cloud?

Overall, you came through with something working for demos! Admin and verification sides needs work, realtime support for sure. Easy stuff. Hard stuff... money, and getting users. Some stuff to work on this term! In addition to the attending meetings and contributing equally part. 😅