dartmouth-cs98-23f / arena

Monorepo for Arena, an open platform for freeform bets
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final submission #199

Open RavinAnderson opened 3 months ago

RavinAnderson commented 3 months ago

Final Project Report


what went well and what didn't

Overall, we're very proud with our product. We accomplished more or less what we had set out to do at the beginning of fall term. We didn't get approval to the Apple App Store or get an external testing link, but we managed to get more than 20 sign-ups for our app just using internals testers on TestFlight. We lacked some features, but we're very happy with our connections between the frontend and backend as we were able to reduce latency and provide a pretty seamless user experience. The app was very easy to use, and no one had problems setting up bets or buying "Yes" or "No" when thinking about the outcome.


take a look back on your proposed validation, how did validation go? talk about any success metrics achieved and the challenges of those not achieved

Out of our Validation plan, we accomplished the following: [x] Finish coding the app by Week 7 and publish it onto Testflight. [x] Create marketing materials like posters which we can put around campus, or an email that can be sent to the Dartmouth community. [x]Follow up with students who visited our Technigala booth in the fall and gave us their emails. [x] Connect with student organizations to host demos of our app. [] Create a feedback form that collects data. [x] Create a system (whether a formal dashboard or informal method) where we can look at the app analytics and interpret them.

We accomplished many of our success metrics to some degree, but not to the degree we wanted. We had a launch party where we were able to get 20 sign-ups using internal testers on TestFlight, but we were never able to get an external Testflight link for more downloads. We did a lot of advertising and hung up flyers in dorms like Fahey, but we took feedback during the launch party and noted it rather than having people fill out a google form. Ideally we would have had more events with a google form for feedback to have more information about the user experience.

Potential Next Steps

if you were to continue what would be next?

We'd make a chat feature so people could communicate in threads below each bet to add more to the community conversation aspect of our product. We'd also make it so that we figured out the regulation part of gambling so we could submit to the App Store and get an external link for users.

Final Takeaways

talk about any lessons learned, what could have been done differently, hopes for the future, what you really enjoyed

We learned to set deadlines longer so it's easier to overdeliver. We learned more about communicating and holding each other responsible for features, and we learned how to communicate needs between developers. If we had to do things differently, we would have had a better conversation about what we wanted our MVP to look like. We hope that people continue to use our for betting on pong games or other Dartmouth shenanigans. We really enjoyed the social aspects of the product like getting people to sign-up and the launch party. Regardless, we enjoyed the entire product development lifecycle and getting to work with one another for our culminating experience.


Arena Video Trailer

Blog Link

Medium Blog Post

timofei7 commented 3 months ago

haha that video. what was the holdup with the external link? medium post was supposed to be in the 98 org - and looks like you guys posted it without pics or obviously the missing link. overall i think you all could have pushed yourselves technically a bit more, the app works sure, but you need to keep re-authing, betting odds graph has precision that is confusing - seems to be swinging wildly but within .65 points, might be nice to have more than binary bets - like a numerical one - how many x. would have been nice to see a better seed data - like bets that were more interesting, and since you focused on Dartmouth advertising it on fizz etc. overall, i think we can all agree that you had some fun with the course but didn't push yourselves. aside from launch party, putting yourselves out there for that!