dartmouth-cs98-23f / project-short-learning

project-short-learning created by GitHub Classroom
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Generate Topics (All) #133

Open linkevin281 opened 5 months ago

linkevin281 commented 5 months ago


Hint If there are dedicated sub roadmaps, please use those.


  1. Each person produces 15 topic series. Please use discretion. For example: BAD: Frontend -> Javascript -> Loops and Iteration -> For statement (Too specific, "for statement" and somewhat "loops and iteration") GOOD: Frontend -> Javascript -> Asynchronous Javascript GOOD: Frontend -> Javascript -> Syntax

You can use this to help you produce the series, alternatively feel free to use your own ordering that seems sensible. Ex. Frontend -> Javascript -> React Ex. Frontend -> Javascript -> 3D Design

Each of the topics will be used to produce a set of ~10 keywords using ChatGPT to be used for identifying topics from transcript.


zhenyiplusone commented 5 months ago

ML -> NLP -> LLM -> GPT ML -> NLP -> LLM -> Gemini ML -> NLP -> LLM -> LLaMA Backend -> API -> Google -> Gmail API Backend -> API -> Google -> Drive API Frontend -> Web development -> React -> States Frontend -> Web development -> React -> Local Storage Data Science -> Python -> Visualization -> Seaborn Data Science -> Python -> Analysis-> Panda Data Science -> Python -> Analysis-> Scipy

siavava commented 5 months ago


PostgreSQL -> Basics

PostgreSQL -> Syntax

PostgreSQL -> Security

PostgreSQL -> Optimizations