Slider is a photo editing puzzle game. You use the sliders to edit the unedited photo, aiming to match the (edited) target photo. As you complete more puzzles, your photo editing skills will improve.
Created an adverstisement for our product, available to send to potential users for testing
Finished building out front and back end for allowing users to upload photos and edit them themselves.
Team restructuring, as mentioned in the previous sprint, is working well to increase the efficiency of our team, in regards to developing figma, producing code, and writing sprints.
what didn't
Front end needs a lot more development, specifically:
Connection to backend in regards to uploading photos and sending results
UI/styling for many of the components, such as Photo Gallery
Results page needs to be coded, design is finalized in Figma.
self assessment on progress
where are you in relation to progress towards product and milestones?
give an estimate of how far towards your goals you are, do you think you're on track?
We're behind. Needs a lot of catching up to do in the next three weeks, especially with the front end.
lay out each of the following weeks till end of term with brief goals for each
current week: Adverstisement, building out the user's photo gallery, uploading photo capacity.
week 8: Finish the results page for tutorial, finish connecting front end to the back end, like removing photos or editing photos. However, uploading photos is working.