dartmouth-cs98 / convocode-frontend

project-22f-convocode created by GitHub Classroom
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T1 Summary and User Testing #161

Open lilymaechling opened 1 year ago

lilymaechling commented 1 year ago

T1 Summary and User Testing


Summarize your user testing and any feedback you got during demos.

Users started on the landing page and were prompted to create a new file. Afterwards they would say one of the commands avaliable or a command with one of the key terms. After code was produced, we asked users to download the file.


Record your observations and any insights/conclusions you may have about them. Identify top patterns and write them up. Record the number of email signups you got.

Microphone and Run UX:


Is there any analysis you can do of the testing - what percentage of users claimed X or Y. If you had numerical answers was there any statistical significance to the answers?

Our survey revealed that users wanted to use our product to[]:

  1. To learn python
  2. Assignment help
  3. Interview prep

Notes To Future Us

Leave notes to yourself for next term - what should your next steps be? Filled out on zenhub. Big picture, we want to work on chat bot, UI fixes, and OpenAi plugins like runtime and code explanation. We would also really like to speed up the process of voice to code as depending on complexity of imput, our processes can take a very long time.


Reflect on how your team is working together Our team is working really well together. I think we have a nice pace of work and understanding of other people's schedules. We frequently meet up or communicate what work we are doing. Our group coding sessions on FFB are highly effective as well as our team social events.

What has been working well?

give kudos and shoutouts, comment on communication techniques that have worked, pr review practices, etc

What has not?

try to discuss any problems openly and respectfully. communication breakdowns? are some teammembers taking others tasks for themselves? is anybody ghosting? etc

Over the past term the team has gotten really close. As this friendship has developed sometimes we don't hold each other 100% accountable and allow each other to slack off or not put our full effort in.


if there are problems, think of some ways to resolve them, go back to your team contract from last term to see what you said you would do for resolution

timofei7 commented 1 year ago

nice demo and some decent feedback at least on the interface.

tbh, all ya'all still need a big picture purpose for the product. i know i keep harping on it and we've discussed it several times. i had hoped something would become clearer during demos. it looks like folks suggested it as an educational platform. i'm curious what would need to change to wrap it for that purpose. would you structure lessons? perhaps the convodex can help but without prompts / structure folks will struggle for what they can do.

we had also talked about an accessibility focus. going all in on coding purely with voice - navigating the code window with voice etc. to-date coding with just voice has been hard because it ends up being narrating syntax and takes a long time - with openai that frees up the voice only coder to be much more effective.

but then without a graphics library, multiple code files, and stdin support users are limited in what the code can do and as such it seems are restricted to toy examples (which speaks more to the educational model where they can have short contained problems) or would you need to expand support to be a more full-fledged IDE?

i think you are all in a good place where you have a tech demo - you can do voice to txt to code - now what will you do with that power? overall glad you all are having a good time with this and i'm excited to see where you take it!