dartmouth-cs98 / project-23w-Qwill

project-23w-send-letters created by GitHub Classroom
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T1 Summary #158

Closed tatetoussaint closed 1 year ago

tatetoussaint commented 1 year ago

T1 Summary


Summarize any feedback you got during demos.

People seem to enjoy the idea of long form communication and many mentioned that they would like to write more letters, and that they would like more personalization. Navigation through the app seemed clear to most people with some small issues with the carousel in the using themes but selected fonts and themes quickly without much thought.


Record your observations and any insights/conclusions you may have about them. Identify top patterns and write them up. Record the number of email signups you got.


Is there any analysis you can do of the demos - what percentage of users claimed X or Y. If you had numerical answers was there any statistical significance to the answers?

Notes To Future Us

Leave notes to yourself for next term - what should your next steps be?


Reflect on how your team is working together

What has been working well?

give kudos and shoutouts, comment on communication techniques that have worked, pr review practices, etc

What has not?

try to discuss any problems openly and respectfully. communication breakdowns? are some teammembers taking others tasks for themselves? is anybody ghosting? etc


if there are problems, think of some ways to resolve them, go back to your team contract from last term to see what you said you would do for resolution

nataliesvoboda commented 1 year ago

Congrats on finishing this term with a solid MVP! Was great to see the app running fairly smoothly at Technigala. Loving to see the feedback you got from users. Since you mention you’d like to use Zenhub more, can you get specific first with which featured you’re hoping to tackle, and what user feedback you will consider? The start of next term will be on V2 of the Figma prototype, so you will have the chance to simplify some of the areas that users were confused by. I’d like for you all to think through the experience of reading old letters. Especially since people won’t Archive reliably. Could something get archived automatically once it’s replied to? What does the Archive experience look like, if you’re designing for skeuomorphic? Can you pinch to zoom in/out between people and their individual letters to you? Just some ideas to get that part really smooth.