dartraiden / NVIDIA-patcher

Adds 3D acceleration support for P106-090 / P106-100 / P104-100 / P104-101 / P102-100 / CMP 30HX / CMP 40HX / CMP 50HX mining cards.
194 stars 25 forks source link

League of Legends new updt. #114

Open astronautduckpc opened 1 month ago

astronautduckpc commented 1 month ago

lol перестал работать после последних обнов. Раньше работало. Сейчас ошибка - "не могу инициализировать видеоадаптер" как то так. Это если принудительно выбрать p106-100, в моем случае. Если не выбирать, запускается просто на встройке. По моему давно было такое на Velorant, потом ушло. Может есть вариант и сейчас оживить... Античит Vanguard

BluePurplePro commented 1 month ago

Games using Vanguard (Valorant.2020 and League of Legends.2024) require the original 417.22 driver (regedit hack) to utilize P-106 render-only display https://youtu.be/w3PHWJWlXgo

astronautduckpc commented 1 month ago


Я играл в Valorant прекрасно на 520+ драйверах отсюда . Где то пол года назад/ B LOL еще несколько дней назад тоже прекрасно работал на самый последних драйверах. Я же написал

operador777 commented 1 month ago

Same problem here, probably because the vanguard AC, it was working before that update.


I'm a frequent League of Legends player, so I had to examine the problem. Everything is happening because of the driver signature, considering that the way drivers are signed changed since a security update in June 2023 (I believe it's KB5028166). I decided to install Windows 10 on a build before the update (I was using Windows 11). I installed version 531.41 of Dartraiden (the one that works with the EVRootCA method, I found this version in a YouTube video by the user VersusID). I tried to open League of Legends, and it worked. I didn't encounter any issues with Vanguard, although I haven't tested Valorant. For those who already have Windows 10, try uninstalling update KB5028166 and installing the patched driver version 531.41 to see if it works for you.

I consider it a complicated and impractical solution, but I'm sharing it for those who might find it useful.


astronautduckpc commented 1 month ago

Same problem here, probably because the vanguard AC, it was working before that update.


I'm a frequent League of Legends player, so I had to examine the problem. Everything is happening because of the driver signature, considering that the way drivers are signed changed since a security update in June 2023 (I believe it's KB5028166). I decided to install Windows 10 on a build before the update (I was using Windows 11). I installed version 531.41 of Dartraiden (the one that works with the EVRootCA method, I found this version in a YouTube video by the user VersusID). I tried to open League of Legends, and it worked. I didn't encounter any issues with Vanguard, although I haven't tested Valorant. For those who already have Windows 10, try uninstalling update KB5028166 and installing the patched driver version 531.41 to see if it works for you.

I consider it a complicated and impractical solution, but I'm sharing it for those who might find it useful.


На последнем драйвере отсюда(552.44) не работает без обновлений KB5028166 ?

operador777 commented 1 month ago

Same problem here, probably because the vanguard AC, it was working before that update. Edit: I'm a frequent League of Legends player, so I had to examine the problem. Everything is happening because of the driver signature, considering that the way drivers are signed changed since a security update in June 2023 (I believe it's KB5028166). I decided to install Windows 10 on a build before the update (I was using Windows 11). I installed version 531.41 of Dartraiden (the one that works with the EVRootCA method, I found this version in a YouTube video by the user VersusID). I tried to open League of Legends, and it worked. I didn't encounter any issues with Vanguard, although I haven't tested Valorant. For those who already have Windows 10, try uninstalling update KB5028166 and installing the patched driver version 531.41 to see if it works for you. I consider it a complicated and impractical solution, but I'm sharing it for those who might find it useful. image

Doesn't work with the latest driver from here (552.44) without updates KB5028166?

I don't think so, as one of the differences between driver 531.41 and the current one is the signature. As you can see in the photo, the old driver is signed under "Binzhoushi yongyu feed co. ltd" and the current driver appears to be signed as Atheros Communications Inc, but counterfeited (meaning, it's not Atheros Communications Inc real signature, and Vanguard check this). What Vanguard does is read the signature and finds out there's an irregularity, that it's "counterfeited," and that's why it can't initialize the graphics driver. The procedure in Windows 10 to remove the update is to be able to use the driver signed under Binzhoushi yongyu, and Vanguard won't cause a problem because Binzhoushi yongyu feed co. ltd is its own signature and not an attempt to "counterfeit" Atheros Communications Inc.


It should be made clear that in Windows 11, it's impossible to use the latest driver signed under "Binzhoushi yongyu feed co. ltd" as these signatures/certificates have been permanently blocked in that operating system.

An alternative and something we could try would be to sign the latest version of the modified driver under "Binzhoushi yongyu feed co. ltd" using Windows 10 and removing the update that blocks these signatures. This way, we could use the latest version of the driver, and Vanguard wouldn't have a problem verifying it.

operador777 commented 1 month ago

I'm going to patch the latest Nvidia driver using the 'old patcher' method because it was signed under 'Binzhoushi Yongyu Feed Co. Ltd' with that method, and I'll see if it works. If it does, I would ask @dartraiden for permission to share it through this channel.


It's weird, I just patched the latest version of the driver using the old method but it didn't work, the same error occurred even though it's signed under Binzhoushi Yongyu Feed Co.

dont working

astronautduckpc commented 1 month ago

Я собираюсь исправить последнюю версию драйвера Nvidia, используя метод «старого патчера», поскольку он был подписан этим методом под именем «Binzhoushi Yongyu Feed Co. Ltd», и я посмотрю, сработает ли он. Если да, я бы спросил@dartraidenза разрешение поделиться им через этот канал.


Странно, я только что пропатчил последнюю версию драйвера старым методом, но это не сработало, возникла та же ошибка, хотя он подписан под Binzhoushi Yongyu Feed Co.

не работаю

Вы делали все как в 531 драйвере? С модификацией записей в реестре и запуском установки через мануальный режим?

operador777 commented 1 month ago

I'm going to patch the latest Nvidia driver using the "old patcher" method since it was signed by this method under the name "Binzhoushi Yongyu Feed Co." Ltd" ​​and I'll see if it works. If yes, I would ask@dartraidenfor permission to share it through this channel. Edit: Strange, I just patched the latest driver with the old method, but it didn't work, the same error occurred, although it is signed under Binzhoushi Yongyu Feed Co. I do not work

Did you do everything as in the 531 driver? With modification of entries in the registry and starting the installation through manual mode?

The old_patcher automatically handles the registry entries process and works very well, as I was able to verify. Yes, I also manually installed the driver from the device manager.

I followed the entire process exactly as with the old functional version, but it didn't work. I will be comparing both patched versions (the old and the new) to see if I can find any differences that might be causing the problem so I can fix it.

astronautduckpc commented 1 month ago

Я в свою очередь подтверждаю, что на 10 виндовс, без этих обновлений , что вы указали на 531 драйвере Велорант работает, Вангвард не ругается и не вылетает

dartraiden commented 1 month ago

"Binzhoushi Yongyu Feed Co. Ltd" cert was blacklisted in 2023 via Windows Update.

The driver that I publish in releases is signed in exactly the same way, but with a certificate that is not yet blocked.

Anti-cheats have their own internal rules; they may not like a specific combination of driver version + certificate. Anti-cheat developers keep these rules secret. I can’t fight anti-cheats because I only have 3 working certificates. All of them are currently not liked by one or another anti-cheat.

astronautduckpc commented 1 month ago

Сертификат «Binzhoushi Yongyu Feed Co. Ltd» был занесен в черный список в 2023 году через Центр обновлений Windows.

Драйвер, который я публикую в релизах, подписан точно так же, но еще не заблокированным сертификатом.

У античитов есть свои основные правила; им может не понравиться определенная комбинация версия драйвера + сертификат. Разработчики античита хранят эти правила в секрете. Я не могу бороться с античитами, потому что у меня всего 3 рабочих сертификата. Все они на данный момент не нравятся тем или иным античитам.

Можете продублировать ссылку на инструкцию, как подписать старым сертификатом. Мне кажется, что она была где то тут, но я не могу найти, к сожалению (

operador777 commented 1 month ago

"Binzhoushi Yongyu Feed Co. Ltd" cert was blacklisted in 2023 via Windows Update.

The driver that I publish in releases is signed in exactly the same way, but with a certificate that is not yet blocked.

Anti-cheats have their own internal rules; they may not like a specific combination of driver version + certificate. Anti-cheat developers keep these rules secret. I can’t fight anti-cheats because I only have 3 working certificates. All of them are currently not liked by one or another anti-cheat.

Yes, you are right. That’s why I installed an old version of Windows 10 and removed the update that blocks the certificates. This allows me to use blocked certificates without any problem. After that, I was able to install version 531.41 (signed under Binzhoushi Yongyu Feed Co. Ltd) and it works correctly with Vanguard.

What I have been trying to do is patch the latest version of the driver with the old_patcher, which works with the blocked certificate. Apparently, this is how version 531.41 was signed, but Vanguard AC still shows the problem.

As I mentioned before, installing an old version of Windows 10 that doesn’t contain the update blocking the certificates is neither a practical nor recommended solution. I still don't know how it would behave with anti-cheats like EAC, and making the driver work with all anti-cheat methods would be nearly impossible. However, it is a good alternative for people who only need to play games that work with Vanguard (like me).

operador777 commented 1 month ago

Certificate "Binzhoushi Yongyu Feed Co. Ltd" ​​was blacklisted in 2023 via Windows Update. The driver that I publish in releases is signed in the same way, but not yet with a locked certificate. Anti-cheats have their own basic rules; they may not like a certain driver version + certificate combination. Anti-cheat developers keep these rules secret. I can't fight against anti-cheats because I only have 3 working certificates. All of them are currently not liked by one or another anti-cheat.

You can duplicate the link to the instructions on how to sign with the old certificate. It seems to me that it was somewhere here, but I can’t find it, unfortunately (

You can find the old patching method by switching between the existing branches as shown in the following image:


Or you can also find it directly here: https://github.com/dartraiden/NVIDIA-patcher/tree/old_patcher

operador777 commented 1 month ago

Oh, I just realized something. The 531.41 version that VersusID shares is a mixed version from a user named "chenmoyu" and Dartraiden. This version was shared in a thread on Linustechtips where the user chenmoyu shared the version that adds support for Vanguard. After this, users mixed it with Dartraiden's method, and this is the version that is currently working.

What needs to be done is to investigate the changes that chenmoyu made to the driver to stop it from presenting issues with Vanguard, so I will get to work on that.


operador777 commented 1 month ago

Good news! After extensive research, I managed to get the latest driver version (555.85) working by patching it with the old_patcher and adding an additional SHA256 signature.

First of all, I want to thank @Dartraiden for providing the tools in the patch and the old_patcher, as they were and always will be extremely useful. Secondly:

I observed the added signature in the driver version that does not present issues with Vanguard (531.41), shared by the user chenmoyu on LinusTechTips. That was the only difference I found between the drivers patched with the old_patcher version (which only generates a signature under Binzhoushi Yongyu Feed Co. Ltd and uses the Nvidia leak for the other files) and chenmoyu’s version, which contains Binzhoushi, the Nvidia leak, and an additional Canada Inc. signature, as seen in the following image:

nvidia cert differences 1

The "Canada Inc." signature caught my attention because, after a long time comparing the patched files and chenmoyu's files, the only difference I found was that additional signature. So, I obtained it and added it as an additional signature to all the DLLs that are signed with Nvidia's.

After this, I proceeded with a manual installation and it worked. In the following image, you can see the properties of my graphics card, the driver, the driver version, League of Legends running, and Vanguard functioning in the background:


Lastly, I would like to ask Dartraiden for permission to upload the patched files for the driver version 555.85 (which currently does not have NVENC-NvFBC support) compatible with Vanguard. I could also patch and upload the current version (552.44) that has NVENC-NvFBC support if desired.

Please note that to use this patched version, Windows 10 without the update that blocks certificates is required, and it is unknown how the patch will behave with other anticheats.

astronautduckpc commented 1 month ago

Хорошие новости! После обширных исследований мне удалось заставить работать последнюю версию драйвера (555.85), исправив ее с помощью old_patcher и добавив дополнительную подпись SHA256.

Прежде всего, я хочу поблагодарить@dartraiden за предоставление инструментов в патче и old_patcher, поскольку они были и всегда будут чрезвычайно полезны. Во-вторых:

Я заметил добавленную подпись в версии драйвера, которая не создает проблем с Vanguard (531.41), опубликованную пользователем chenmoyu на LinusTechTips. Это была единственная разница, которую я нашел между драйверами, исправленными с помощью версии old_patcher (которая генерирует подпись только под Binzhoushi Yongyu Feed Co. Ltd и использует утечку Nvidia для других файлов) и версией chenmoyu, которая содержит Binzhoushi, утечку Nvidia, и дополнительная подпись Canada Inc., как показано на следующем изображении:

Различия в сертификатах NVIDIA 1

Компания «Канада Инк.» подпись привлекла мое внимание, потому что после долгого сравнения пропатченных файлов и файлов ченмою единственное отличие, которое я нашел, это дополнительная подпись. Итак, я получил его и добавил в качестве дополнительной подписи ко всем DLL, подписанным Nvidia.

После этого я приступил к установке вручную, и все заработало. На следующем изображении вы можете увидеть свойства моей видеокарты, драйвер, версию драйвера, работу League of Legends и работу Vanguard в фоновом режиме:

гарантированная победа

Наконец, я хотел бы попросить у Dartraiden разрешения загрузить исправленные файлы для драйвера версии 555.85 (который в настоящее время не поддерживает NVENC-NvFBC), совместимого с Vanguard. При желании я также мог бы исправить и загрузить текущую версию (552.44) с поддержкой NVENC-NvFBC.

Обратите внимание, что для использования этой исправленной версии необходима Windows 10 без обновления, блокирующего сертификаты, и неизвестно, как патч поведет себя с другими античитами.

You are great. Вы можете скинуть ссылку на драйвер и сюда, для начала)

dartraiden commented 1 month ago

The "Canada Inc." signature

Can you please share this certificate (.pfx)? Privately via email (wowemuh (at) gmail.com) or other instant messengers (@dartraiden on Telegram, etc).

This is one of the certificates that I know exists but have not been able to find until now.

Please note that to use this patched version, Windows 10 without the update that blocks certificates is required

Perhaps I can workaround this.

operador777 commented 1 month ago

The "Canada Inc." signature

Can you please share this certificate (.pfx)? Privately via email (wowemuh (at) gmail.com) or other instant messengers (@dartraiden on Telegram, etc).

This is one of the certificates that I know exists but have not been able to find until now.

Please note that to use this patched version, Windows 10 without the update that blocks certificates is required

Perhaps I can workaround this.

Sure, it was really difficult to get that certificate. I will share it with you via Telegram.

dartraiden commented 3 weeks ago

Please test https://disk.yandex.ru/d/Gt-4yJVW9XKA-A

operador777 commented 3 weeks ago

Please test https://disk.yandex.ru/d/Gt-4yJVW9XKA-A

It didn't work for me; Vanguard showed me the same error. Could it be because of the certificate? I followed the instructions to the letter as usual: I downloaded the patch, downloaded the original driver, replaced the original files with those from the patch, disconnected the internet, and used DDU to remove the current driver completely. I then rebooted without the internet and installed the driver automatically. The installation went well, but when I tried to play League of Legends, Vanguard showed me the error.

So, I tried downloading the patched drivers from version 552.44 and adding the Canada signature to the DLLs using a certificate called "SectigoPublicCodeSigningCAR36.crt," something like this: "SectigoPublicCodeSigningCAR36.crt" /tr "http://localhost/TSA/2023-03-27T00:00:00" /fd sha256 /td sha256 /as /v "%DriverPath%\nvd3dum.dll."

Then I dragged the files to the NVIDIA driver installer, uninstalled with DDU, rebooted without the internet, and did the automatic installation. It worked perfectly; Vanguard didn't give me any trouble.

dartraiden commented 3 weeks ago

Could it be because of the certificate?

The reason is either osslsigncode or because I signed without /ac

Try this (signed by osslsigncode with /ac option)


operador777 commented 3 weeks ago

Could it be because of the certificate?

The reason is either osslsigncode or because I signed without /ac

Try this (signed by osslsigncode with /ac option)


I just tried with the new files. I attempted the automatic installation, but it didn't work. Then I tried to do it manually, and that didn't work either; same problem:


@astronautduckpc Could you try it yourself and let us know if it works? This way we can rule out any issues on my end.

@dartraiden It might be because of osslsigncode. I am using signtool and the local timestamp server to sign, as indicated by the old_patcher.

This is exactly how I am signing the DLLs, and it works with Vanguard:

signtool.exe sign /f certname.pfx /p "certpass" /ac "SectigoPublicCodeSigningCAR36.crt" /tr "http://localhost/TSA/2023-03-27T00:00:00" /fd sha256 /td sha256 /as /v "%DriverPath%\nvd3dumx.dll"
dartraiden commented 3 weeks ago

This is exactly how I am signing the DLLs

Can you try without /ac?

operador777 commented 3 weeks ago

Can you try without /ac?

I tried it once, but signtool gave me an error and signed the DLLs without the certificate.


dartraiden commented 3 weeks ago

Remove also "SectigoPublicCodeSigningCAR36.crt"

If you remove the command line switch, then you must remove its value as well

operador777 commented 3 weeks ago

If you remove the command line switch, then you must remove its value as well

I had completely forgotten, my apologies. I tried it as you indicated and it worked for me, I signed the files, installed the driver and vanguard did not give me any problems (Note: the dll's that I signed are those of version 552.44)

Edit: I just did the same process with the files you shared from version 555.85, I removed the dll signatures and re-signed with the nvidia signature and added the canada one without the /ac and it worked, Vanguard showed no problem.

I did the automatic install.

operador777 commented 3 weeks ago

@astronautduckpc Can you test this patched version of the driver? Remember to download the original driver, unzip it and replace the original files with the patch files. Remember to use DDU to remove all traces of the previous driver, reboot and after that perform the automatic installation of the new driver and let us know if it works for you.

Thanks, @dartraiden, with your permission I will share the patched files: 555.85 Vanguard Patch: https://pixeldrain.com/u/cQ9jw5pH Use the Dartraiden patch instead:

I hope this is the last attempt Signatures were done in osslsigncode (as I always do), an additional signature "Canada" was added with signtool https://disk.yandex.ru/d/QTNqBBZcnqLdLA

For me it works correctly, but only on windows 10 (without the update that blocks certificates) I tried it on windows 11 and it didn't work, but you can try and please share the results image

KPaterakis commented 3 weeks ago

It seems that it does not work on my machine. I replaced the files from the zip above and tried with the certificate as well. I rebooted once with DDU and a second time after installing the new certificate.

operador777 commented 3 weeks ago

It does not seem to work on my machine. I replaced the files from the zip above and tried the certificate as well. I rebooted once with DDU and a second time after installing the new certificate.

What operating system are you using and on what build? You can use winver to get this information.

This is the build I am using:


Also remember that if you have antivirus software, you should deactivate it because it may detect the patch as a false positive and delete necessary files.

KPaterakis commented 3 weeks ago

It does not seem to work on my machine. I replaced the files from the zip above and tried the certificate as well. I rebooted once with DDU and a second time after installing the new certificate.

What operating system are you using and on what build? You can use winver to get this information.

This is the build I am using:


Also remember that if you have antivirus software, you should deactivate it because it may detect the patch as a false positive and delete necessary files.

Here you go image

KPaterakis commented 3 weeks ago

My antivirus was disabled during the extraction and installation The driver was installed correctly image

operador777 commented 3 weeks ago

My antivirus was disabled during the extraction and installation The driver was installed correctly image

Thanks for the info, let's try something, go to device manager, right click on the graphics card, then properties, once in properties, click on Driver Details and you will get a box, scroll to the bottom and you will get this: image Where what I marked in red is the folder where the drivers were installed, you can look for that folder in windows and once you find it look for a file called "nvd3dum.dll" right click and properties, then you go to the tab that says "digital signature" and verify that they are the same as the following image:


After that, click on the second signature and click on details, you should get something like this:


If you get something different, please attach an image and we will try to fix it.

astronautduckpc commented 3 weeks ago

так на win11 это не работает. Или уже работает*?

operador777 commented 3 weeks ago

this doesn't work on win11. Or is it already working*?

Thanks to Dartraiden we are trying new ways to make it work on windows 11, have you already tried the version I uploaded of the patch? did it work for you? If so, it means that the problem is due to windows 11 and so far we could only use it on windows 10 without the update until Dartraiden solves it.

astronautduckpc commented 3 weeks ago

это не работает на вин11. Или это уже работает*?

Благодаря Dartraiden мы пытаемся найти новые способы заставить его работать в Windows 11. Вы уже попробовали загруженную мной версию патча? это сработало для вас? Если да, то это означает, что проблема связана с Windows 11, и до сих пор мы могли использовать ее только в Windows 10 без обновления, пока Dartraiden не решит ее.

Еще не успел . У меня уже ночь . Завтра протестирую..

KPaterakis commented 3 weeks ago

Here you go image image

operador777 commented 3 weeks ago

Here you go

It seems that everything is correctly installed, it would remain to check if it is a Windows 11 problem or not, so in a while I will install Windows 11 and check it by myself.

operador777 commented 3 weeks ago

@KPaterakis I have a question for you off topic, as far as I could see in the gpu z image, you have some modified features in your graphics card, are you using the CMP 40hx? If so did you overclock it? I ask because I have exactly that one but my frequencies are a bit lower.


KPaterakis commented 3 weeks ago

@KPaterakis I have a question for you off topic, as far as I could see in the gpu z image, you have some modified features in your graphics card, are you using the CMP 40hx? If so did you overclock it? I ask because I have exactly that one but my frequencies are a bit lower.


Yeah it is indeed overclocked. My card is stable at + 150 mhz on core clock 1100 on Memory and 119% power limit. I noticed yours is only x4 as well. You can use the capacitors from older gpus (i used a broken gtx 660 that i had lying around for parts) if you have any to spare. Use Honeywell PTM7950 for better thermals and raise the fan curve if you decide to overclock the card.

dartraiden commented 3 weeks ago

I hope this is the final attempt Signatures were made in osslsigncode (as I always do), an additional signature “Canada” was added with signtool https://disk.yandex.ru/d/QTNqBBZcnqLdLA

operador777 commented 3 weeks ago

I hope this is the last attempt Signatures were done in osslsigncode (as I always do), an additional signature "Canada" was added with signtool https://disk.yandex.ru/d/QTNqBBZcnqLdLA

On Windows 10 without the update that blocks certificates it works perfectly for me, vanguard did not give me any problem (I have not been able to check if it works with the update that blocks the certificates, because I have blocked the windows update), I tried it on Windows 11 but it didn't work, also the patch I shared did not work on windows 11.

We must wait until other users can confirm it works to be sure that it is only working on windows 10.

Note: I have installed a dualboot windows 11 on my computer to try to find methods to get the patch to work on windows 11, so I will be updating here if I can get it to work and share with you the method and the result.

dartraiden commented 3 weeks ago

I tried it on Windows 11 but it didn't work, also the patch I shared did not work on windows 11.

Disable Defender vulnerable drivers blocklist https://www.elevenforum.com/t/enable-or-disable-microsoft-vulnerable-driver-blocklist-in-windows-11.10031/

KPaterakis commented 3 weeks ago

I tried it on Windows 11 but it didn't work, also the patch I shared did not work on windows 11.

Disable Defender vulnerable drivers blocklist https://www.elevenforum.com/t/enable-or-disable-microsoft-vulnerable-driver-blocklist-in-windows-11.10031/

It still doesn't work on windows 11

dartraiden commented 3 weeks ago

Does not work at all or just does not help with Valorant problem?

KPaterakis commented 3 weeks ago

Does not work at all or just does not help with Valorant problem?

The driver works as intended for anything else apart from Vanguard. All the drivers you provided worked in the same regard so far. It seems that Vanguard either performs different checks depending on the os running on the machine, or maybe it has to do with removing the update that blacklisted the original certificate in Windows 10? As long as I do not use the "misbehaving" driver I can launch the game using the igpu without triggering the anti-cheat so I guess the validation check happens on launch only.