dartungar / obsidian-simple-note-review

Simple, customizable plugin for easy note review, resurfacing & repetition in Obsidian.md.
MIT License
61 stars 2 forks source link

notesetId is null #64

Open LCehoennardo opened 8 months ago

LCehoennardo commented 8 months ago

I got this error when I run Simple Note Review: Mark current note as reviewed command. Version: 1.2.4 obsidian.md-1711359111879.log

dartungar commented 8 months ago

@LCehoennardo I can't seem to reproduce it. Can you give more details? e.g whether noteset is empty, whether you tried to re-enabling plugin, restarting Obsidian, etc.

LCehoennardo commented 8 months ago

@LCehoennardo I can't seem to reproduce it. Can you give more details? e.g whether noteset is empty, whether you tried to re-enabling plugin, restarting Obsidian, etc.

The issue seems to have resolved itself at the moment, and the exact cause remains unclear. I will provide more detailed information should it occur again.