darul75 / angular-awesome-slider

:arrows_clockwise: Angular slider control directive
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Get wrong value in Chrome when zoomed #122

Open voxtobox opened 8 years ago

voxtobox commented 8 years ago

Thanks for great job. I'm using your slider for audio player. There is value error in Chrome when zoomed and offset more then 0 on the x-axis. It's important in mobile devices.

darul75 commented 8 years ago

hi @voxtobox

can you give me some details or change a little bit the following fiddle to help me reproduce the case http://jsfiddle.net/darul75/b09m7183/

I understand it is important and would like help you then

voxtobox commented 8 years ago

Hm, It works correct in fiddle but not in your demo site http://darul75.github.io/angular-awesome-slider/ . Just zoom in, scroll little bit to right and try to position slider.

darul75 commented 8 years ago

demo has not been refactored and use an old version, which version are use using just to know

voxtobox commented 8 years ago


voxtobox commented 8 years ago

This is video which show problem http://monosnap.com/file/1B8Ala0YB5p9rtzol4h1FjGhmq5OO6

darul75 commented 8 years ago

OMG, so nice bug :) but how do you do to zoom just by clicking, I do not know this feature, is it natively supported by css3 or something like that

darul75 commented 8 years ago

hmm ok, I have to activate touch sensor in inspector and double click ?

voxtobox commented 8 years ago

It`s simple zoom in browser. Like shift + '+' on Chrome :)

darul75 commented 8 years ago


darul75 commented 8 years ago

I have problem to reproduce it, trying but not so easy, even with demo website, can you try update fiddle or anything I could use.

darul75 commented 8 years ago

I have made a small change, can you try this one https://raw.githubusercontent.com/darul75/angular-awesome-slider/master/dist/angular-awesome-slider.min.js

darul75 commented 8 years ago

here my test, does it work or still buggy

http://jsfiddle.net/darul75/ucwsaamn/ https://jsfiddle.net/darul75/ucwsaamn/embedded/result/

voxtobox commented 8 years ago

In fiddle works well but not in my site. I noticed another difference: when I zooming with shift + '+' it works well rather with finger on touch pad not. I do it in desktop just for reproduce android variant. And well in iOS and not on Android. Issue apper only in Chrome in Desktop and Android. I`ll try to build fiddle later. Again thanks for your work.

darul75 commented 8 years ago

I look on my side too, and try to reproduce it clearly,

is behaviour only for 'click'/touch' events on slider bar or also when moving by dragging some slider pointers or both move/click/touch events have problems

a good test case is welcome sure, but I know it is quite tricky to make it ;)