darul75 / angular-awesome-slider

:arrows_clockwise: Angular slider control directive
MIT License
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does not support decimal values? #135

Open vance opened 8 years ago

vance commented 8 years ago

Can't get it to do range 0-1 with step of .1

darul75 commented 8 years ago

Put options attribute round:2 tell me it is fine, thx

FlavorScape commented 8 years ago

ah yes, that works. I would expect this variable to be called precision or something. I associate rounding (on a slider) with 'snapping' to positions (reducing granularity).

Maybe add to readme

For values 0-1 use the round option to specify the precision to which to calculate the value.


great library BTW I just wish there wasn't a bourbon dependency for the SCSS, but cheers for providing so many CSS options.

darul75 commented 8 years ago

Yes your are true about precision attribute, I should rename it soon :+1:

Someone has made a great work by porting all my less files to scss but they are not used today, only less files are used while generating css. What do you mean with the scss dependency, I do not know, does it come from...hmm no !!! I see know it is into bower config, I will take a look as it is not really used today I think.