We have encountered an issue where when we run estimateSingleEventSurvival, we do not get the median survival calculated.
recurrent_falls_death <- CohortSurvival::estimateSingleEventSurvival(cdm,targetCohortTable = "recurrent_falls_cohort", targetCohortId = 886, outcomeCohortTable = "death_cohort", strata = list(c("age_group"), c("sex"),c("age_group", "sex")), outcomeDateVariable = "date_of_death", minCellCount =5, followUpDays = followUpDays)
Is there a way we could overcome this?
Thank you,
Hi @gargij13, you will only get an estimate for median survival if at least half your study population has the outcome during follow up - do you know if more that half had the outcome in your study follow up?
Hi, We have encountered an issue where when we run estimateSingleEventSurvival, we do not get the median survival calculated.
recurrent_falls_death <- CohortSurvival::estimateSingleEventSurvival(cdm,targetCohortTable = "recurrent_falls_cohort", targetCohortId = 886, outcomeCohortTable = "death_cohort", strata = list(c("age_group"), c("sex"),c("age_group", "sex")), outcomeDateVariable = "date_of_death", minCellCount =5, followUpDays = followUpDays)
Is there a way we could overcome this? Thank you, Gargi