darwinia-network / apps

Darwinia Apps
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Add disclaimer. #381

Closed 1022ranji closed 11 months ago

1022ranji commented 11 months ago

As long as the user doesn't click on the Got it button, then this prompt remains displayed. The Dapps in the Darwinia Ecosystem are developed independently by third parties and are linked on https://apps.darwinia.network/ for convenience only. Darwinia does not endorse, or control any of the third-party Dapps in the Darwinia Ecosystem, and is not responsible for any damages or losses resulting from the use of, or inability to use, these Dapps.

Figma link: https://www.figma.com/file/Ks4SJYuOsXTW2rVDLBbB3r/APPS?type=design&node-id=8872%3A37727&mode=design&t=SAd9PrsUH34OjI0C-1
