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链接失效 #336

Closed 1022ranji closed 1 year ago

1022ranji commented 1 year ago

https://darwinia.network/#/developers 这个页面中有些文档链接失效了, @wuminzhe 麻烦帮忙确认下最新的文档链接,然后 @isunaslabs 帮忙更新一下

wuminzhe commented 1 year ago


isunaslabs commented 1 year ago

@1022ranji do you approve this method?

wuminzhe commented 1 year ago

yes, hide them all. put a 'under construction' statement. @1022ranji

1022ranji commented 1 year ago

like this one?

isunaslabs commented 1 year ago

I think this option is fine. Let's see what Aki thinks of it.

wuminzhe commented 1 year ago

like this one? image something like this "Introduction".

1022ranji commented 1 year ago

这几个也这么显示?感觉不太行,整个页面能用的有效信息太少了。 放个文档名字备注 updating, 即使没有放在那里别人也会知道这里将会有什么。

wuminzhe commented 1 year ago

I prefer to remove the whole page and link the Developers menu button to this(the dev docs are all here).

1022ranji commented 1 year ago

目前的 docs 中是否含有这个 example?

1022ranji commented 1 year ago

我暂时不建议把这个 developers 页面隐藏,原因有:

  1. Docs 中的内容很多,这个页面作为摘要看起来比较一目了然。同时这个页面能够添加很多 EVM 的内容,和之前建的那个 issue 相关。
  2. 这个页面有 Tech discussion 的链接,指向型讨论也比较清晰。
wuminzhe commented 1 year ago

the links that will be added here may not fall into these 4 types. we may only need 2 types: the api and the guide(or tutorial). and it may be different from what we are thinking. Our aim is to make out documentation useful. but now its content is inefficitent.

1022ranji commented 1 year ago

@isunaslabs 相关调整见文档:https://www.notion.so/itering/Developer-898a982e5c26470f801483e38920b80d