Darya\Database\Connection\MySql can't use mysqli_stmt::get_result without the mysqlnd extension installed.
Fatal error: Call to undefined method mysqli_stmt::get_result() in .../darya/framework/src/Darya/Database/Connection/MySql.php on line 121
Improve this situation by complaining as soon as the connection is instantiated if this method doesn't exist, or provide a runtime workaround using the following methods:
can't usemysqli_stmt::get_result
without the mysqlnd extension installed.Fatal error: Call to undefined method mysqli_stmt::get_result() in .../darya/framework/src/Darya/Database/Connection/MySql.php on line 121
Improve this situation by complaining as soon as the connection is instantiated if this method doesn't exist, or provide a runtime workaround using the following methods:
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18753262/example-of-how-to-use-bind-result-vs-get-result http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8321096/call-to-undefined-method-mysqli-stmtget-result