daryllabar / DLaB.Xrm.XrmToolBoxTools

Plugins for the XrmToolBox
MIT License
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Not able to generate earlybound for Solution entity using Earlybound generator V2 #458

Closed JEET391 closed 7 months ago

JEET391 commented 7 months ago

Tool and Version

EarlyBoundGenerator V 1.2020.4.24

Log File

System.Exception: Error attempting to GenerateAttributeNameConsts!  Unable to find attribute fileid in Solution
   at DLaB.ModelBuilderExtensions.Entity.AttributeConstGenerator.CustomizeCodeDom(CodeCompileUnit codeUnit, IServiceProvider services)
   at DLaB.ModelBuilderExtensions.CustomizeCodeDomService.ProcessEntity(CodeCompileUnit codeUnit, IServiceProvider services)
   at DLaB.ModelBuilderExtensions.CustomizeCodeDomService.CustomizeCodeDom(CodeCompileUnit codeUnit, IServiceProvider services)
   at DLaB.ModelBuilderExtensions.PacModelBuilderCodeGenHack.WriteFile(String outputFile, String language, CodeNamespace codenamespace, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, Boolean writeProxyAttrib, Boolean isFileSplit)
   at DLaB.ModelBuilderExtensions.PacModelBuilderCodeGenHack.Write(IOrganizationMetadata organizationMetadata, String language, String outputFile, String outputNamespace, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
   at DLaB.ModelBuilderExtensions.CodeGenerationService.WriteInternal(IOrganizationMetadata organizationMetadata, String language, String outputFile, String targetNamespace, IServiceProvider services)
   at DLaB.ModelBuilderExtensions.CodeGenerationService.Write(IOrganizationMetadata organizationMetadata, String language, String outputFile, String outputNamespace, IServiceProvider services)

daryllabar commented 7 months ago

Duplicate of #450 it does have a zip file in that story that has a version you can try to use. I had to ILMerge a whole bunch of stuff due to a bug in the XTB, so it may not work, but once a new version of the XTB is released, and can release the non-ILMerged version.