das-developers / das2java

The original das2 library. Provides interactive publication-ready 2-D plotting
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Minimal CI Workflow #1

Open cpiker opened 3 years ago

cpiker commented 3 years ago

I'm leaving a note here to remind us that the repository should probably have a github workflow to automatically build and run a few unit tests on the main branch after a push or a pull-request merge.

I can kick this off and turn it over to others to maintain, but to get started I'd need a reference or two to the current unit test main functions or some other information about tests that can be run without a full MIDL or Autoplot build.

Also instructions for building via Ant without the netbeans frontend would be handy.

jbfaden commented 3 years ago

The closest das2 has are interactive demos like https://github.com/das-developers/das2java/blob/main/dasCore/src/test/graph/GeneralPathSpeedTest.java

Here's a miscellaneous test in QDataSet which could serve the purpose: https://github.com/das-developers/das2java/blob/main/QDataSet/test/demoValueCount.jy

jbfaden commented 3 years ago

To build a Netbeans Ant project, just use "ant jar":

cd ~/tmp/autoplot/das2java/dasCore
ant jar
ls -l dist/dasCore.jar
cpiker commented 2 years ago

What kind of packaging scheme should be used? Github looks to have built-in support for Apache Maven.

Maven is rather inflexible about source code layout, but ant seems to be rather flexible. Might be able to make a dual ant/maven project.

jbfaden commented 2 years ago

This seems like a low-priority item to me, because Autoplot's testing is handling this largely. I've never been able to figure out the github workflows stuff, and having a clean testing system would be nice.