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New command line syntax proposition #96

Open doronbehar opened 5 years ago

doronbehar commented 5 years ago


I've encountered your project after I was wondering if there are any alternatives to the awful and extremely unintuitive CLI syntax of current gpg. I've discussed the option of contributing to the upstream GnuPG code an alternative executable that will use the same C functions and library that the executable gpg uses but with a different CLI syntax and git style commands and arguments and not just everything starting with --. It was discussed thoroughly in the gnupg-devel mailing list in these threads: First here and a long time afterwards here.

I just wanted to share with you my design for the new syntax which I've built strictly according to the official documentation of GnuPG. It's in this gist, I hope you'll understand the syntax of it. I've used # for a subcommand a ## for a subcommand's argument etc. Most of the options are named the same as in the original gpg syntax.

lambdafu commented 5 years ago

Link #30, also https://gitlab.com/EasyGnuPG/egpg

lambdafu commented 5 years ago

Thanks, that's very helpful!