dasBikash84 / NewsServer_reloaded_master

Repository for planning and coordinating all other child repositories of "News-Server Reloaded" project
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Optimization of article read from FireStore DB #15

Closed dasBikash84 closed 5 years ago

dasBikash84 commented 5 years ago

Maintain a record of articles by page in real-time DB.

Create a top level node on real-time Db -> 'page_article_map' Under that node there will be child nodes for each page with data that specific child node for each page will contain a Map<articleId,publicationTime>

there will also be another top level node 'page_article_map_update_time'. It will contain a Map<pageId,lastUpdate_time> When ever back end parser adds news article for any page it will also update corresponding Map<articleId,publicationTime> and Map<pageId,lastUpdate_time> as per data. at android app this will also have to be coordinated.

dasBikash84 commented 5 years ago

Work steps: