dasaderi / WhyNotOpenScience

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Take the pilot survey and give us feedback #7

Open dasaderi opened 7 years ago

dasaderi commented 7 years ago

We will have a pilot survey ready for the #mozsprint (June 1-2, 2017). We would really appreciate it if you could take it and give us feedback on it. Thank you!

chartgerink commented 7 years ago

For those wanting to participate, here is the link (adding for ease-of-access) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfdGDWGYsK5hGgIPT3jbM7OheOf9iwZrwe74cokdEAZim60gA/viewform?c=0&w=1

From the contribution guidelines

If you want to take the pilot survey and provide us with feedback on it then please:

chartgerink commented 7 years ago

I was working on issue #11 but my computer froze, so there will be two responses from me in the test dataset (just FYI)

amiefairs commented 7 years ago

Not a problem! :)

jvallera commented 7 years ago

@ottagit @edovio @dunebuggie @vyaspranjal33 @LappleApple @poush

This survey could use your feedback - it is investigating how/why open science may be a challenging topic for people to understand or agree with. If you have time today or tomorrow it woule be great if you could fill out the survey then create an issue with feedback on how they might be able to improve the survey linked above. more info in the contribute file.

amiefairs commented 7 years ago

Hi @jvallera and all others mentioned - just a big super huge thank you in advance! If you have time to spare today or tomorrow to contribute that would be wonderful, but if not we would still love to hear from you whenever you have the time.

dasaderi commented 7 years ago

Yes, please more feedback! :) Thank you @jvallera for advertising it.

dasaderi commented 7 years ago

@chartgerink Thank you for putting the link and reiterate the contribution guidelines.