dasch-swiss / dsp-api

DaSCH Service Platform API
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In Salsah 1.5, while searching the content of value in the full-text search, some characters are not found #568

Open mrivoal opened 7 years ago

mrivoal commented 7 years ago

If you include characters such as -, #, & and / (and there may be others) in a value (including the label), you won't be able to find them in the full-text search.

So, if you search for an URL value, you won't get any search result.

capture d ecran 2017-07-13 a 13 01 53

It may also happen in the advanced search, but as there is no operator available for the URIValue (#569), I don't know.

loicjaouen commented 7 years ago

let's look for &, the full search generates the request:


& is a problem because it is a URL specific code, so it doesn't work.
The usual way is to "url-encode" it as %26, but I guess that the knora responder doesn't "url decode" the argument, as this request doesn't find my &:
