dasdom / BreakOutToRefresh

Play BreakOut while loading - A playable pull to refresh view using SpriteKit
MIT License
2.48k stars 140 forks source link

Just for funny, #1

Open keshiim opened 9 years ago

keshiim commented 9 years ago

Im sorry, theres a awesome Proj, You are a genius.

dasdom commented 9 years ago


danfinlay commented 9 years ago

Yeah my issue is also that this is funny. We should stop settling for spinners. Nice work.

dasdom commented 9 years ago

Thank you!

MHaroonBaig commented 9 years ago

@dasdom An idea is just wandering around my mind, haha. What if you could integrate accelerometer and gyroscope to control the movement of the Bar in the small mini game that appears ? I've had written a very nice wrapper for CoreMotion here, https://github.com/MHaroonBaig/MotionKit I'd love to send a pull request to your awesome project ;)

dasdom commented 9 years ago

@MHaroonBaig I had the same idea but didn't go further in that direction because BreakOutToRefresh is already using a lot CPU and memory. Another problem is, at the moment the user of the app can continue to play when the loading finishes by keeping the finger on the display. In case of motion control this feature would be lost. Maybe you can fork the project and implement it. I'll link to you implementation in the Readme. The people can chose what fits best their needs.

MHaroonBaig commented 9 years ago

Sure. I'll give it a try.

Haoxiqiang commented 9 years ago

This is so funny.Nice work.

dasdom commented 9 years ago

@Haoxiqiang Thank you!

TellH commented 8 years ago

my god!what a creative genius!

dasdom commented 8 years ago

@TellH Thank you!

nghuiqin commented 8 years ago

It's is so impressive!

dasdom commented 8 years ago

@baby03201 Thank you!

amebahead commented 6 years ago

I Like this Project that is inspired me

dasdom commented 6 years ago

Thank you!