dashaasienga / Statistics-Senior-Honors-Thesis

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Week 11 -- Fall Thesis Talks #20

Closed dashaasienga closed 4 months ago

dashaasienga commented 7 months ago


Here is the link to the slides I have for the presentation on Thursday (in case the email gets lost): https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1OILX_3cVHwU47hAVSOj2pnZBpQ2bZiLhm_gxTI2uxZs/edit?usp=sharing

Looking forward to your feedback! We'll talk about them tomorrow as well!

katcorr commented 7 months ago

These slides look GREAT! I am hesitant to give any feedback until I hear what you're planning to say, but two quick thoughts (that you can take or leave!):

dashaasienga commented 7 months ago

Thank you for the suggestions!

I'll also try to do an initial run-through of the presentation before our meeting to see if I'm able to get to everything in good time, and we can finalize that tomorrow. See you then!