dashaasienga / Statistics-Senior-Honors-Thesis

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Week 12 -- Fall Semester Wrap-Up & Next Steps #22

Closed dashaasienga closed 2 months ago

dashaasienga commented 7 months ago


I've pushed the final draft of Chapter 1, together with an Appendix A where I derive the sufficiency v separation conflict equation, and references at the end with all the sources used for Chapter 1. I also incorporated the edits you had suggested before for the sections I had already done, so that should all be there and I'd love any further feedback!

Looking forward, I'd like to:

  1. Write up the Chapter 2 on the exposition of the Seldonian algorithm (while it's all still pretty clear and recent in my mind).
  2. Write-up the process for setting up the toy example and the experimentation plus results [we can discuss about how best to go about including work that we're doing on the cluster into the actual body of the thesis; also does this go into Chapter 2?]
  3. Finish figuring out what adjustments need to be made to fit the Seldonian Algorithm on that GPA data set & also how to present this in the thesis body [completing this will be a huge unblocker].
  4. Plan out the next steps in the research process.

I do plan on making some progress on the thesis during the finals period and during J-term while I'm at home, just to make things easier to get back into once the Spring semester is here. What would be a good way to share progress/ questions on that while we're on break? I'll be writing and planning for the most part, so I'm thinking occasional Github issue updates like we've been doing might be convenient for both of us? I'm not sure how students have done it in the past, but I'd love to set up a system for that that works!

Looking forward to discussing these during our meeting tomorrow!