dashaasienga / Statistics-Senior-Honors-Thesis

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Thesis Spring Semester Progress Plan #25

Open dashaasienga opened 5 months ago

dashaasienga commented 5 months ago


Working backwards from the April 17 due date and allowing for multiple revisions, here is a suggested timeline:

April 24: Thesis Talks

April 18/ 19/ 22: Run through thesis talk with Prof Correia

April 19: Thesis Due to Chair April 17: Thesis Due to Advisor

By April 12: Finalize Thesis Revision 2 // Work on thesis talks

By April 5: Finalize Thesis Revision 1 // Work on thesis talks

By March 29 (after Spring Break): Finalize the Conclusion [Chapter 5] & Submit Full Thesis Draft (afterwards, begin working on the thesis talk while revising the thesis paper)

By March 15 (before Spring Break): Finalize Simulation Draft [part of Chapter 4](afterwards, tie up loose ends on the 4 chapters and work on the conclusion section)

By March 8: Submit 3MT Thesis Talk Proposal

By March 1: Finalize Application Draft [Chapter 3] (afterwards, continue work on the simulation)

By Feb 16: Finalize Short Chapter 3 Write-Up Section (afterwards, continue setting up simulation study and write-up)

By Feb 9: Finalize Chapter 2 Draft (afterwards, begin work on simulation study while simultaneously working on Chapter 3 write-up)

In overview, the focus of February will be the simulation study (draft complete by March 1) and the focus of March will be the application and conclusion sections (draft complete by March 29). All submissibles will be on Friday in advance of our Tuesday weekly meetings.

In line with that, the goal for this week (by Feb 9) is:

Finalize Chapter 1, Chapter 2, and Appendix B [spillovers from last week :(] and read up on Seldonian Algorithms for Classification in preparation for the simulation study. Start working on Chapter 3 write-up.

dashaasienga commented 4 months ago


I've pushed a complete draft of Chapter 1 and 2 as well as Appendix A and B. Sections that need a closer review based on your comments last time would be Chapter 1.1 and Chapter 2.2.2. Chapter 2.3 also mostly contains new additions as I was able to complete the toy example and the experimentation (yay!). It's located in the '_Thesis\index\book__' folder.

I was only able to do 50 trials in the experimentation though (100 trials took too long and the page reloaded before completion, likely because of too many resources used). I'd like to do more trials but I thought it wasn't worthwhile spending a lot of time figuring out how to incorporate parallelization at this point in time. Maybe this is something we can talk to Andy about or allocate more time to, if need be, but for now, I'm ready to move forward with the plan.

That being said, I'll be thinking about the simulation plan. I'll post an issue regarding that by Monday evening and we can talk about that in more depth on Tuesday.

Have a great weekend!

katcorr commented 4 months ago

Yay for numbered equations! I find them very helpful! Chapter 2 also reads much more smoothly now - excellent.

dashaasienga commented 4 months ago


Those changes were made! I've pushed an updated version of the thesis, including a Chapter 3 Write-Up draft located in the 'Thesis\index\book_' folder. This is quite a rough draft, so comments on how I can structure it better will be much appreciated!

The Aims, Target, Methods, and Performance Measures sections have complete drafts.

The Data-Generation section, however, is still a work in progress. We can discuss that in more depth on Tuesday after you've taken a closer look at it because there are two potential paths we can take, and I'll complete it once we're aligned on the path! We can also discuss the COMPAS data set then.

My goal is to have a complete plan after our Tuesday meeting so that I can work on having a complete draft of this section by next Friday 23rd while simultaneously beginning to work on the actual coding for the simulation study.

I'll now switch to working on the 3MT proposal and probably push that sometime on Monday.

Have a great weekend!

katcorr commented 4 months ago

Great, I've reviewed and have very minor comments so far. I uploaded the draft to the Thesis_KC_Edits folder. I used the comment feature this time -- they may be harder to see if you're just scrolling through the PDF, but they're easier to track (hopefully) than textboxes if you open the Comments pane where you can see them all. (There's not many this time!)

Based on what you've done so far, I think either data generating mechanism would work. We can talk about it more tomorrow, though . . .

dashaasienga commented 3 months ago

Updating this plan with more actionable items based on our recent meeting. @katcorr let me know if I should move some things around! Such few days, but quite a bit to do!

By Friday, April 5: complete and submit HPC research poster

By Sunday, April 7: submit Chapter 4.2 draft, conclusion draft, and abstract draft (at this point, this will basically be a complete draft of the thesis paper)

Sunday, April 7: 3MT training workshop

By Tuesday, April 9: prepare a rough outline of the thesis talk presentation

Wednesday, April 10: HPC student poster session!!

By Thursday, April 11: submit revised thesis draft with edits and suggestions from Prof Correia (mostly focusing on the newer sections which haven't received a second pass yet)

Friday, April 12: work on thesis presentation

Saturday, April 13 - Tuesday, April 16 : finalize all thesis revisions (entire paper) & prepare a complete rough draft of the thesis presentation

Wednesday, April 17: submit fully revised thesis to Prof Correia!!

Thursday, April 18: work on final changes or edits on the thesis paper

Friday, April 19 5 Pm: submit finalized thesis to Chair!!

By Sunday, April 21: have final, complete version of the thesis talk ready

Monday, April 22: prepare the actual presentation

Tuesday, April 23: practice presentation with Prof Correia

Wednesday, April 24:: presentation day!!

Thursday, April 25 - Tuesday, April 30: prepare for the 3MT thesis competition

Tuesday, April 30: 3MT dress rehearsal

Wednesday, May 1: 3MT thesis competition!!

Thursday, May 2 - Tuesday, May 7: work on thesis corrections

By Tuesday, May 7 5 Pm: submit corrected thesis to Chair!!

katcorr commented 3 months ago

Excellent time management planning :)

One additional (hopefully very minor, but still to keep on the radar) addition:

Your final thesis that your thesis committee reads is submitted on Friday, April 19 to the chair (as you have in your schedule). Members of your committee (me + two other faculty) will read your thesis and attend the oral presentation. Based on this, they may have (usually minor) suggestions or edits. Any edits you decide to make will be put into a separate "Corrections" section of the thesis. Then, this final (for real!) version needs to be submitted to the Chair by Tuesday, May 7 at 5 PM.

dashaasienga commented 3 months ago

Aah, thanks for the clarification! I'll add that to the plan right away!