dashaasienga / Statistics-Senior-Honors-Thesis

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Chapter 4 #32

Closed dashaasienga closed 3 months ago

dashaasienga commented 3 months ago


See https://github.com/dashaasienga/Statistics-Senior-Honors-Thesis/blob/main/Thesis/index/_book/Dasha-Asienga_StatThesis.pdf for a complete draft of Chapter 4.1. Feel free to review and share feedback when you get a chance :)

What's left in this Chapter is discussing the simulation results, which I'm really hoping to get to by mid-next week (fingers crossed...).

Have a great weekend!

Best wishes, Dasha.

katcorr commented 3 months ago

Chapter 3 reads beautifully! I've made some additional edits, but it's really looking good. I also had pretty minimal comments on Chapter 4 so far . . . woo hoo. Here's the draft with my comments.

dashaasienga commented 3 months ago

Awesome, thank you!!! I incorporated those edits (see #35)!