dashpay / dash

Dash - Reinventing Cryptocurrency
MIT License
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Release Process for v21.0 #6081

Closed PastaPastaPasta closed 1 week ago

PastaPastaPasta commented 5 months ago

v21.0.0 Release Process

Before every minor and major release:

``` consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_MN_RR].bit = 10; consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_MN_RR].nStartTime = 1704067200; // January 1, 2024 consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_MN_RR].nTimeout = 1767225600; // January 1, 2026 ```

Tag the Release

Check CI

Do Guix Build (for unsigned binaries) and create PRs

Create Windows/OS X detached signatures (note: it might be decided skip signed binaries for RCs) Only once the Windows/OS X builds each have 3 matching signatures may they be signed with their respective release keys.

Update Guix Builds with signed binaries (note: it might be decided skip signed binaries for RCs)

After 3 or more people have guix-built and their results match:

Announce the release:

After the release

Additional Items

thephez commented 4 months ago

@PastaPastaPasta I'm not aware of any changes that are required in bips.md

thephez commented 2 months ago

When we add new special transactions, we need to open an issue on the dashcore-lib repo so it gets updated.