dashpay / docker-dashd

Docker image that runs the Dash dashd node in a container for easy deployment
MIT License
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"dash_init": executable file not found in $PATH: #36

Open w-turner-getbamboo-io opened 3 years ago

w-turner-getbamboo-io commented 3 years ago

when i run this command from docker

docker run -v dashd-data:/dash --rm $DASH_IMAGE dash_init

I am receiving this error

docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:367: starting container process caused: exec: "dash_init": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown.
ERRO[0000] error waiting for container: context canceled

The file dash_init is definitely on the host:

wal@ubuntu:~$ ls -l dash_init
-rwxrwxr-x 1 wal wal 621 May 20 14:23 dash_init

what am i missing?

nmarley commented 3 years ago


It looks. like you are trying to run dash_init on the container and Docker can't find it in the container's PATH. The host filesystem is not seen from the perspective of the container.

Also this code repo is confusing because it seems to no longer be the current source for the docker image at dashpay/dashd, so the dash_init script doesn't exist on the new Docker images, even though it is in this repo. (CC @strophy)

Are you just trying to run dashd normally? You should be able to leave off the argument and let the default entrypoint + command run.

wallaceturner commented 3 years ago

The command comes from bootstrap-host.sh


Even putting this error to one side i'm having issues getting it working following the 'quick start' guide, ie running

docker run -v dashd-data:/dash --name=dashd-node -d \
     -p 9999:9999 \
     -p \

what happens is the process exits immediately and docker logs <container_id> is empty

If you could point me in the direction of the repo that actually built the dashd docker images that would be great

wallaceturner commented 3 years ago

Even putting this error to one side i'm having issues getting it working following the 'quick start' guide, ie running

I've got it working by building the docker image from source - all good now

nmarley commented 3 years ago

Glad you got it sorted now. For reference, it looks like this is the Dockerfile used for building the images now: https://github.com/dashpay/dash/blob/master/docker/Dockerfile.GitHubActions

Sorry for the confusion. We are discussing internally how to remove this repo in order to prevent this in the future.