dashpay / electrum-dash-old

Electrum-DASH - a Dash thin client
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update bundled dependency of python-trezor to at least version 0.6.13 #47

Closed prusnak closed 7 years ago

prusnak commented 8 years ago

... for windows builds

this fixes issues with firmware 1.3.6 (it is unusable with older python-trezor) on windows

splawik21 commented 8 years ago

Have the same problem.

electrum firmware updated 54 build

schinzelh commented 8 years ago

I'll rebuild Electrum with python-trezor 0.6.13

@prusnak Any chance you start tagging your releases in git? I've noticed you just bump the version without tagging it.

--> https://github.com/trezor/python-trezor/commit/f9d82511f2987c4ef74b6439276a43016257798a

schinzelh commented 8 years ago

Test build available at https://dashpay.atlassian.net/builds/browse/ELMW-DEV-56/artifact/JOB1/electrum-dash.exe/electrum-dash.exe

splawik21 commented 8 years ago

Getting this one and the client does not open itself

electrum 56 build

schinzelh commented 8 years ago


schinzelh commented 8 years ago

I am on firmware 1.3.5 - does not work either

schinzelh commented 8 years ago

I guess the plugin API has changed and python-trezor-0.6.13 is not compatible with Electrum-Dash 2.4.2

@Kefkius any idea?

prusnak commented 8 years ago

@prusnak Any chance you start tagging your releases in git? I've noticed you just bump the version without tagging it.

I can start doing it, but we upload releases to PyPI and I though that's the place where everyone is getting them from.

Kefkius commented 8 years ago

@prusnak I don't think there's a way (if there is one I certainly haven't found it) to look at diffs between versions on PyPI, which is what we're looking for.

@schinzelh Trezor wallet loads on Linux with firmware 1.3.6 and python-trezor 0.6.13. Could it be an issue with how your builds are done?

prusnak commented 8 years ago

With windows there never was a problem (even with older python-trezor). Whole fix is just for Windows.

prusnak commented 8 years ago

I am on firmware 1.3.5 - does not work either

The breakage has nothing to do with the 1.3.6 firmware upgrade. I recall the issue in the screenshot quite some time ago.

Are you using latest Electrum codebase? Are you sure it is python-trezor 0.6.13 used in your build?

schinzelh commented 8 years ago

We are on Electrum 2.4.2 codebase - so my educated guess is that python-trezor-0.6.13 is not compatible with Electrum 2.4 due to some plugin API changes.

prusnak commented 8 years ago

I tihnk the breakage must have happened earlier, you just have not noticed it. So there is no point in checking changesets of 1.3.6 firmware or 0.6.13 python-trezor.

Can anyone confirm that problem happens with 1.3.5 firmware and 0.6.12 python-trezor?

schinzelh commented 8 years ago

Hmm, then I'll test all versions of python-trezor from 0.6.7 up to 0.6.13 to find were we broke.

We were using python-trezor-0.6.7 (which worked) before updating to python-trezor-0.6.13 (which does not) - so good chance the bug was introduced along the way.

I'll keep you posted.

prusnak commented 8 years ago

Thank you!

prusnak commented 8 years ago

I studied the issue further and these kinds of bugs appear when one workflow does not eat all messages sent by TREZOR from the queue. New workflow sees message from older workflow and it is understandably not the message it expects.

schinzelh commented 8 years ago

That makes sense. I'll have a look at the workflow as well

prusnak commented 8 years ago

Btw, we just released python-trezor 0.7.0 with some refactored parts. No big functional changes were between 0.6.13 and 0.7.0, but when you'll be updating your binaries, please use 0.7.0 instead.

Also I tagged the release commit in Git.

Kefkius commented 8 years ago

That explains why the error in https://github.com/dashpay/electrum-dash/issues/47#issuecomment-228594459 is thrown here (re: unexpected messages)

prusnak commented 8 years ago

I reported incorrectly to use 0.7.0.

Please use 0.6.13, because newer branch requires some further changes to your codebase.

schinzelh commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the pointer :+1:

prusnak commented 8 years ago

Btw, any particular reason why you don't follow Electrum development and stick to the obsolete 2.4 branch? Doing that would so much things easier for you. (Electrum-Ltc had patched binaries ready in a couple of minutes).

schinzelh commented 8 years ago

No particular reason, just lack of time and resources :-)

I am still in the process merging us up to upstream

Kefkius commented 8 years ago

Also I tagged the release commit in Git.

@prusnak I'm not seeing any tags in https://github.com/trezor/python-trezor. Isn't that the right repo?

prusnak commented 8 years ago

Sorry, try again. Forgot to push using --tags.

schinzelh commented 7 years ago

We have successfully updated to Electrum 2.6.4 codebase and python-trezor-0.6.13 now

Many thanks!