dasilva333 / TowerGhostForDestiny

Tower Ghost for Destiny - This app allows you to transfer items between profiles, with various filters.
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Issue: Max light not calculated correctly consistently #641

Open hendersj opened 7 years ago

hendersj commented 7 years ago

When equipping gear with the highest light, I have noticed that sometimes gear selection leaves me below the max light I can achieve. My warlock, for example, was being leveled to 315 when I had an exotic helmet that would push it to 316 (no other exotic armor was equipped that would block the calculation).

I just tried it with the latest update, and says 316 is the max even though 317 currently the max for that character. The app seems reluctant to equip my Skull of Dire Ahamkara - and even when I have it equipped (currently showing 317), it still says that max is 316.

dasilva333 commented 7 years ago

Very strange, I did make some changes to how max light works as of Do you mind posting a Share URL of your profile? I'd like to see what Armor you have on you that might be causing this weird condition.


hendersj commented 7 years ago

It does seem better now - the armor in question that pushed it up at the time was the Skull of Dire Ahamkara.

The profile is at https://www.bungie.net/en/Legend/Gear/2/4611686018446668622/2305843009275471884 - but I don't currently have that particular gear equipped at the moment.