dasilva333 / TowerGhostForDestiny

Tower Ghost for Destiny - This app allows you to transfer items between profiles, with various filters.
113 stars 42 forks source link

tower ghost still doesnt work when downloading from Blackberry World. #699

Closed KingARTHURofKC closed 7 years ago

KingARTHURofKC commented 7 years ago

Been out of service since November or so. Can someone please tell me if this is intentional or if something is wrong? The app opens then is totally blank except for the yellow menu icon but no characters or items show up at all. Any feedback would be appreciated.

edmiller47 commented 7 years ago

There haven't been any updates made in some time. My guess is that the app may simply have been abandoned. It was a labor of love by the developer, and perhaps it became too much effort for not enough of a return.