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scipy: alt text ~~sprint~~ scavenger hunt #254

Open tonyfast opened 2 years ago

tonyfast commented 2 years ago

hey there y'all. for scipy this year, we wanted to coordinate an effort to further improve the accessibiity of open source documentation. we already had an event with y'all in #208 that felt fun. we wanted to try a similar format, but over the course of the conference. we were wondering if y'all (or another project in your ecosystem) would be interested in holding an issue open to add some more alt text during scipy. we'll be working on directing folks to those prs, and we are imagining that this might be a useful device in workshops/bofs for some light on boarding. our ultimate goal is to make this a scavenger hunt to add alt-text/contribute to multiple projects during the event.

i'd love to know if any of y'all would be down to coordinate this with myself and @marsbarlee?

jrbourbeau commented 2 years ago

Hey @tonyfast, thanks for opening this up. I know SciPy has a mixed in-person/virtual format this year. Is this sprint intended for in-person folks at the conference, virtual attendees, or both?

tonyfast commented 2 years ago

we are fairly certain that this will be inclusive for both in person and virtual. there is still some work to do there, but it is our aim. our biggest challenge will be promoting the virtual part.

@marsbarlee is going to be there premiering their comic/fanzine about disability awareness in open source. so we are biased on the in person experience because we can advocate better in person. this scavenger hunt portion is a complementary feature of the zine. there will be a digital version of the zine, so it should work. :crossed_fingers:

MarsBarLee commented 2 years ago

@jrbourbeau Here's a comic about how this event will run and the role Dask could play in it! Alt Text at SciPy Conference

This is a messy draft, so if you have any suggestions or changes, let me know!

Currently, we have SciPy and SPEC on board. It would be great to get to make more project more accessible and featured here. That's why there's placeholder logos of a triangle and star. If you know any other project maintainers who might be interested, let us know!

jrbourbeau commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately I'm not attending SciPy this year, but am happy to review Dask PRs when then roll in. cc @ncclementi @gjoseph92 @jacobtomlinson @jsignell @jcrist who I know are attending SciPy and @scharlottej13 @ian-r-rose @pavithraes who were involved in the last alt text sprint

martindurant commented 2 years ago

Me too :)

scharlottej13 commented 2 years ago

This is a great idea! I won't be at scipy, but happy to help remotely :). Here's the PR from our last alt text sprint for reference.

jacobtomlinson commented 2 years ago

Yeah I'll be there an am happy to help. @MarsBarLee the comic looks great, just FYI we recently changed our logo so that will need updating. https://www.dask.org/brand-guide

pavithraes commented 2 years ago

I'd love to help remotely too. :)

jsignell commented 2 years ago

I'll be there for most of scipy and happy to help. Also I can review/merge PRs after the fact. I love the comic!!

MarsBarLee commented 2 years ago

Yeah I'll be there an am happy to help. @MarsBarLee the comic looks great, just FYI we recently changed our logo so that will need updating. https://www.dask.org/brand-guide

@jacobtomlinson Thank you for letting me know about the logo update! It looks great! Once we get the other projects confirmed, I'll clean up the comic, update Dask's logo and post it here.

I'm reading the Dask logo update thread and the video with Matt Rocklin explaining it. I love seeing the evolution and community work when doing design, especially for big visual updates like this.

tonyfast commented 2 years ago

aww. its so awesome to see all of the interest.

we still have a few weeks before the event which means that we shouldn't have to rush too much. we're working on getting a reference pull request together. once we do we will share the example with you, and coordinate with y'all to get dask setup for the event.

thanks again for the excitement from y'all. its so great that we can have folks participating in-person and remotely.

tonyfast commented 2 years ago

alright y'all we are getting things organized now and thankfully @isabela-pf put together a reference pull request for us.

if you all are still game. here's the best structure we have so far. please let us know if you have any questions.

how to participate

to participate, we need:

why participate


there is a draft pull request started for Project Jupyter, more placeholders will be added. y'all can use this copy to start your pull request, or reference to past events to find what suits the project best.

pavithraes commented 2 years ago

@tonyfast Thank you for the details! I've opened a PR here: https://github.com/pavithraes/dask/pull/1

tonyfast commented 2 years ago

@pavithraes thank you so much for opening that PR to participate! I added a link with the new logo to our draft manifest for the event. https://github.com/alt-text-task-force/.github/blob/main/profile/scipy-2022-07.md#user-content-fn-history-8189a866323cf2d84748d2fdf2d4ec6b