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Dask Demo Day 2023-04-20 #319

Closed ncclementi closed 1 year ago

ncclementi commented 1 year ago


Thursday, April 20th, at 10am US Central time (meeting invite below and also on the Dask calendar)


I'd like to solicit 5-10 minute demos that show off ongoing or lesser-known work. I hope to have 3-5 of these during the meeting. Meetings will be recorded and advertised on social. Hopefully, this helps to educate folks on some of the great work people are up to.

If you're interested please respond to this issue with a brief (a couple sentences) description. If you have colleagues who you think should be interested please let them know. If you would like to present but not this month, check out the dates and signup for an upcoming one in this issue https://github.com/dask/community/issues/307


Meeting Invite

Topic: Dask Demo Day Thursday, April 20th, at 10am US Central

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system. Monthly: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/tZ0uf-qorT4tGtc673iGO0K1lLAN0XrtJ7DV/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGhrTMpGteQtxmERpx5A4qgb_TztiVajbdeyki2Cgd8MiinOs5jHOJHAsz6

Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89383035703?pwd=WkRJSzNnRTh4T2R1ZjJuVVdJWlMxQT09

lgray commented 1 year ago

Here's the evaluated notebook from my demo.

AmineDiro commented 1 year ago

Hello, daskqueue presentation :

jacobtomlinson commented 1 year ago

Dask on NVIDIA DGX Cloud Demo

ncclementi commented 1 year ago

Here is the recording for the April session, thank you all for participating, and special thanks to the speakers!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ja_YHYg23A