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Skip July Community Meeting #383

Open jacobtomlinson opened 4 weeks ago

jacobtomlinson commented 4 weeks ago

Our community meeting falls on the first Thursday of each month. This year the first Thursday in July is the 4th. Given how US heavy the meeting tends to be does it make sense to skip July?

jrbourbeau commented 4 weeks ago

Thanks for flagging @jacobtomlinson! Let's definitely not have this meeting on the 4th : )

Normally we've cancelled when there's been an issue like this, but that was also when we had separate community and demo meetings every two weeks. Maybe we could just bump to the next week now that we only have a monthly meeting? I'm fine either way, but thought I'd at least raise the bump-a-week suggestion

jakirkham commented 4 weeks ago

FWIW the next week is SciPy


jacobtomlinson commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks John! I'm tempted to avoid breaking convention as that might still result in a low turnout, so maybe we should just skip.

jrbourbeau commented 3 weeks ago

FWIW the next week is SciPy

Ah, thanks for pointing that out (I'll be there!)

Skipping sounds good to me @jacobtomlinson

jakirkham commented 3 weeks ago

Look forward to seeing you then James! 😄