dask / dask-jobqueue

Deploy Dask on job schedulers like PBS, SLURM, and SGE
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Add RemoteSlurmJob to connect SLURMCluster to a remote Slurm cluster #502

Open alexandervaneck opened 3 years ago

alexandervaneck commented 3 years ago

Hello 👋 Thank you for considering this feature request :) I have been looking over dask-jobqueue (together with prefect) to allocate resources on a Slurm cluster I have access to. dask-jobqueue seems exactly what we'd need for this, thank you for maintaining it 🙇


In the case where Slurm and a python process (script or notebook) are not running on the same host SlurmCluster will not be able to spawn any jobs and error.

Slurm added a REST API: https://slurm.schedmd.com/rest_api.html


Could we add a RemoteSlurmCluster and RemoteSlurmJob that largely extend SlurmCluster/SlurmJob and instead of using subprocess.Popen we'd do an HTTP request instead?

class RemoteSLURMJob(SLURMJob):
    def job_file(self):
        # we don't need the script file but only the script itself. to not alter `async def start(self):` we yield the script here.
        yield self.job_script()

    async def _submit_job(self, script):
        # formatting should be according to:
        # https://slurm.schedmd.com/rest_api.html#slurmctldSubmitJob
        return requests.post('slurm-url/jobs/submit')  # reach out to API

    def _job_id_from_submit_output(self, out):
        # out is the JSON output from _submit_job request.post
        # See https://slurm.schedmd.com/rest_api.html#v0.0.36_job_submission_response
        return out['job_id']

    def _close_job(cls, job_id):
        # See: https://slurm.schedmd.com/rest_api.html#slurmctldCancelJob

class RemoteSLURMCluster(SLURMCluster):
    job_cls = RemoteSLURMJob

As far as I can tell this should be a drop-in replacement.

Thoughts? (tagging @mrocklin @lesteve for visibility, hope you would have time for a review.)

jacobtomlinson commented 3 years ago

This proposal sounds totally reasonable to me. Do you have any interest in raising a PR?

alexandervaneck commented 3 years ago

Very much! I'm only waiting on the infrastructure that I have access to to enable the SLURM REST API, so I can test it.

Would you have time for a review sometime this week/next week @jacobtomlinson?

jacobtomlinson commented 3 years ago

Happy to review but I think it best for one of the core maintainers of this repo (@guillaumeeb, @lesteve) to do the final merge.

guillaumeeb commented 3 years ago

This sounds also totally reasonable to me, as it keeps the general concept of dask-jobqueue and should be pretty readable by the look of your snippet!

This is really nice to have a REST API for submitting job, Slurm is definitely a nice job scheduler.

So waiting for your PR 👍 !

lesteve commented 3 years ago

Just curious, your use case is to create a SlumRemoteCluster on a host

Did I get this right?

If so it does not feel like this is a very common situation but I may be missing something of course ...

alexandervaneck commented 3 years ago

@lesteve thank you for responding 🙇‍♂️ I've been poking around dask-jobqueue for a few days now and am very happy to see it's been very well maintained. Thank you for this.

Just curious, your use case is to create a SlumRemoteCluster on a host

  • where Slurm is not installed (for example sbatch does not exist) but you have access to the Slurm REST API endpoint
  • which is in the same network as the Slurm cluster (I don't know the exact technical term but what I mean is that the Dask scheduler on this host need to communicate over HTTP to the Dask workers on your computing nodes)

Did I get this right?

If so it does not feel like this is a very common situation but I may be missing something of course ...

Yes, that would be correct.

I wouldn't know how to determine if this is a common situation. However I would argue that since SLURM has introduced an REST API to be able to remotely start jobs there must be some users.

The usecase would be allowing a docker container running inside a HPC cluster to call out to SLURM to schedule dask-workers with specific (GPU) resource requirements.

Inside the docker container;

  1. Start SlurmRemoteCluster scheduler
  2. HTTP call to SLURM REST API to start n workers with x resources
  3. n workers come online and register with scheduler
  4. workload processed
  5. HTTP call to SLURM REST API to close n workers
  6. Stop SlurmRemoteCluster scheduler
lesteve commented 3 years ago

OK running the Dask scheduler inside a docker container (on a login node I assume) is a use case that makes sense. I did not think of this, thanks!

For security reasons I would think that cluster sys-admins would not allow connecting to the Slurm REST API endpoint from the outside, but maybe these kind of security constraints are only in place for "big" clusters.

I had in mind the ideal setup (unfortunately not possible easily as far as I know ...) where your Dask scheduler lives outside of the cluster and the Dask workers live inside the cluster. For example see https://github.com/dask/dask-jobqueue/issues/471 with more details.

alexandervaneck commented 3 years ago

inside a docker container (on a login node I assume)

Yes - or at least somewhere where it can send/receive calls from the SLURM REST API. I would say "inside" the cluster.

poplarShift commented 2 years ago

Has there been any progress here?

inside a docker container (on a login node I assume)

this is exactly my use case (except with a Singularity container, but it still means I don't have the sbatch binary directly available).

willirath commented 2 years ago

This could be of interest as well: https://gist.github.com/willirath/2176a9fa792577b269cb393995f43dda

It's ssh'ing back to the host system where srun etc are available.

guillaumeeb commented 2 years ago

Has there been any progress here?

Unfortunately the associated PR has gone stale... But there was some work on it, so if anyone want to keep going it would be nice!

zbarr commented 1 year ago

+1 for this.

bjudkewitz commented 1 year ago


sanjeev-one commented 2 months ago
