I'm getting the following error with hdfs3 0.3.0 , Hadoop 1.x :
from hdfs3 import HDFileSystem
hdfs = HDFileSystem ( host = "Hadoop 1.x host', port = 8020 )
ConnectionError : Connection Failed: HdfsRpcExection: Faild to invoke RPC call "getFsStats" on server
Caused by: HdfsEndOfStream: Read 4 bytes failed from host : End of stream
< fs.default.name ><Hadoop 1.x host>
but I can connect with hadoop client and Hadoop 2.x it works well.
e.g )
hadoop fs -ls hdfs://Hadoop 1.x host:8020/
Is Hdfs3(libhdfs3) support hadoop 1.0? if it support well, how can I connect my hadoop 1.0 server?
I'm getting the following error with hdfs3 0.3.0 , Hadoop 1.x :
but I can connect with hadoop client and Hadoop 2.x it works well. e.g ) hadoop fs -ls hdfs://Hadoop 1.x host:8020/
Is Hdfs3(libhdfs3) support hadoop 1.0? if it support well, how can I connect my hadoop 1.0 server?