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App created enormous log file #132

Open jpcanright opened 1 year ago

jpcanright commented 1 year ago

I'm running Das Keyboard Q v3.3.3 on Windows 10. It has created a 1.8 GB log file at C:\Users\<my username>\.quio\v2\applet.log1.json. As this log file is on my system drive where space is at a premium, I'd really rather this not happen. Could a limit be placed on the maximum allowable log file size?

supercobra commented 1 year ago

How long ago did you install the Q software on your PC? We will double check why and we'll create this as an enhancement.

jpcanright commented 1 year ago

Thank you! I installed Q on 12/24/2021.

Beanladen commented 6 months ago

I can confirm that behaviour, looking at 'display logs', it spits out 3 'info' level messages PER SECOND ! I've loaded the software just a few hours, and it already has quio.log.json at 1.5 MB and applet.log.json at 0.5 Mb ! That's not an acceptable behaviour. Maybe the 'Debug logging' switch in the prefs is interpreted wrongly ? It shouldn't deliver info level messages per default. [v3.3.3 on Ubuntu Linux 20.04]