dasmith / stanford-corenlp-python

Python wrapper for Stanford CoreNLP tools v3.4.1
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Error while launching the server, i.e. running the command python corenlp.py #57

Closed mihirsaxena closed 6 years ago

mihirsaxena commented 6 years ago

This is the error: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in File "corenlp.py", line 176, in init self.corenlp.expect("done.", timeout=200) # Loading PCFG (~3sec) File "/Users/mihir.saxena/virtualenvironment/my_newproject/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pexpect/spawnbase.py", line 327, in expect timeout, searchwindowsize, async) File "/Users/mihir.saxena/virtualenvironment/my_new_project/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pexpect/spawnbase.py", line 355, in expect_list return exp.expect_loop(timeout) File "/Users/mihir.saxena/virtualenvironment/my_new_project/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pexpect/expect.py", line 102, in expect_loop return self.eof(e) File "/Users/mihir.saxena/virtualenvironment/my_new_project/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pexpect/expect.py", line 49, in eof raise EOF(msg) pexpect.exceptions.EOF: End Of File (EOF). Empty string style platform. <pexpect.pty_spawn.spawn object at 0x10ca092d0> command: /usr/bin/java args: ['/usr/bin/java', '-Xmx1800m', '-cp', './stanford-corenlp-full-2014-08-27/stanford-corenlp-3.4.1.jar:./stanford-corenlp-full-2014-08-27/stanford-corenlp-3.4.1-models.jar:./stanford-corenlp-full-2014-08-27/joda-time.jar:./stanford-corenlp-full-2014-08-27/xom.jar:./stanford-corenlp-full-2014-08-27/jollyday.jar', 'edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLP', '-props', 'default.properties'] buffer (last 100 chars): '' before (last 100 chars): 'aders.java:185)\r\n\tat java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:496)\r\n\t... 34 more\r\n' after: <class 'pexpect.exceptions.EOF'> match: None match_index: None exitstatus: None flag_eof: True pid: 46580 child_fd: 6 closed: False timeout: 30 delimiter: <class 'pexpect.exceptions.EOF'> logfile: None logfile_read: None logfile_send: None maxread: 2000 ignorecase: False searchwindowsize: None delaybeforesend: 0.05 delayafterclose: 0.1 delayafterterminate: 0.1 searcher: searcher_re: 0: re.compile("done.")

I have verified that all the jar files are of the same version that is specified in the corenlp.py code, earlier I had used a latest version of it and appropriately updated it in corenlp.py, in either cases, getting the same error. Not able to figure it out, kindly look into this and please suggest a solution.

mihirsaxena commented 6 years ago

Got the solution. I was running Java jdk version 9 on my system. Remove it and install jdk 8.