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profile page #446

Closed okdistribute closed 7 years ago

okdistribute commented 7 years ago

When you are logged in, you see your profile picture on the top right. When you click it, you see your profile page.

Right now we have a sidebar for the user but it should be its own page.

Kriesse commented 7 years ago

@karissa What should be on the profile page? Long-term I'm thinking something like e.g. the github profile page, but what can we have right now?

okdistribute commented 7 years ago

Yeah... all those look gook except instead of location, probably Description, that way people can put whatever they want (including location or whatever)

okdistribute commented 7 years ago

Since we have a profile sidebar when you click your username, let's keep that for now. After we launch the User Accounts milestone at 1.1.0, let's revisit the profile page.