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Explanation how to use hypercored #608

Open paologf opened 6 years ago

paologf commented 6 years ago

Hello, I don't know if this is an issue but I'm trying to use hypercored to sync data between two computers (OSX) on the same network. I created the Dat from folders and then add a file "feeds" with the url "dat://uuid" for each Dat. Then I call hypercored from the same path of file "feeds". It started watching feeds folder, added archiver key, listened to a port and added each data folder into feed. Now I'd like to sync this data in "client". First of all I tried with the app, added the folder UUID and waited, but I only got message "waiting for peers". So I tried from terminal, calling dat clone dat://uuid but also here I got a waiting message. Last I tried to run hypercored also in "client" computer, with the same feeds file, but nothing change. Probably I'm doing something wrong, or I haven't set some configuration properties..can you give me an advice?

Thanks in advance