dat-ecosystem-archive / datproject-discussions

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Regular technical community calls #14

Closed max-mapper closed 9 years ago

max-mapper commented 9 years ago

We've been doing small google hangouts for group chats when we want to discuss a technical topic about Dat or any of the related modules/projects we've been working on.

I want to transition to inviting the community to listen into these discussions as well, and announce + broadcast them by default.

The main blocker is choosing a broadcast solution. Google hangouts doesn't scale very well above 5 users.

Features i'm looking for:

Here are 4 options:

The first three are paid services targeted at companies, and they support private meetings. The last one is a feature of hangouts where you can live broadcast to youtube. That way you invite the active participants to a invite-only hangout and you can tweet out the youtube link and people can listen live. Then we would use IRC or Gitter to let listeners ask questions.

So far Hangouts on Air seems like the best option, the only thing it doesn't do is support call-in via conference line. I also haven't tried it out yet so it might end up not being very good.

Anyone have experience with any of these?

max-mapper commented 9 years ago

did the first one today https://github.com/datproject/discussions/issues/15