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Live community hangout #1 - Dec 1st, 10AM PST #15

Closed max-mapper closed 9 years ago

max-mapper commented 9 years ago

CALL IS OVER NOW! - The full video + audio of the call is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sk6kcF7viM

I've scheduled our first live community hangout for December 1st at 10AM PST (everytimezone link). We want to invite anyone to ask us about what we're working on.

Leave your questions in the thread below, in our gitter web chatroom or tweet at @dat_project


We'll be using Hangouts On Air.

Note that only Dat team members and others on the agenda will be invited to join the Hangout so they can broadcast voice and video. Hangouts only supports about 10 people max, but the youtube stream can support an unlimited amount of viewers.

taterbase commented 9 years ago

This may be covered by the "New stuff in Dat core" portion but I've heard talk about the synchronization api changing and would love to hear more about that.

L1fescape commented 9 years ago

There's a lot of background noise. Hard to hear.

max-mapper commented 9 years ago

@akenn sorry about that!

mafintosh commented 9 years ago

nextgen multi-master replication

consider this graph:

c1  b2
|   |
 \ /

it has these users: a, b, c

look at the graph as multiple logs:

a1  b1  c1
a2  b2

a replication example where you pull from the remote looks like this:

  1. remote sends c:1, b:2 (heads of the graph)
  2. you send c:0, b:0 (since you do not know c or b)
  3. remote sends c1, b1, b2
  4. you send a:0 (since b1 references a2 and you do not know a)
  5. remote sends a1, a2

if you pull again it looks like this

  1. remote sends c:1, b:2 (heads of the graph)
  2. you have c1 and b2 so you know you're in sync

follow development here, https://github.com/mafintosh/vector-clock-causal-crawling

references: https://github.com/mafintosh/multi-master-merge https://github.com/dominictarr/scuttlebutt https://github.com/mafintosh/merkle-dag