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Live community hangout #3 - Jan 28th, 10AM PST #19

Closed mafintosh closed 9 years ago

mafintosh commented 9 years ago

Let's do another community hangout and discuss the progress of Dat beta. Recently we've written api docs for the upcoming JS api.

Talking points:

raised questions:

Implementation of this is under progress but it would be great to showcase/discuss this with the community.

Leave your questions in the thread below, in our gitter web chatroom or tweet at @dat_project


We'll be using Hangouts On Air.

Youtube link (to watch) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4J9CSoQ-4-0 Gitter link (chat/ask questions): gitter web chatroom

Note that only Dat team members and others on the agenda will be invited to join the Hangout so they can broadcast voice and video. Hangouts only supports about 10 people max, but the youtube stream can support an unlimited amount of viewers.

max-mapper commented 9 years ago

One bit TODO still is more fleshing out of what the command-line API is going to look like for these new merging/conflicts features.

E.g. when you dat pull and you enter conflict mode, what does it look like on the CLI? How much of git's merge resolution flow can we copy, but what new approaches are possible since everything in dat has a known schema?

max-mapper commented 9 years ago

feedback from @substack via IRC:

substack do you really need to have conflicts? substack there are just sometimes multiple versions of a dataset substack just like in real life substack "Conflicts must be handled (or aborted) to complete the pull." :( substack ogd: can you just make pulling separate from merging? when you pull you just fetch data and have multiple copies of a data set substack and then as a separate step you can merge two documents together mafintosh substack: and have dataset.get(key, cb) return multiple versions? substack sure substack but mostly, the ui should just be able to handle that substack and then you can merge two forks as an explicit step with a diffing/merging tool substack instead of everything being magic and implicit when you fetch data substack conflicts are an extreme anti-feature mafintosh substack: 2 sec - digesting that you are saying mafintosh substack: so if i pull dataset d1 from you i would get a fork locally called d1.substack or something that contained your changes. if i want to i can now merge d1.substack into d1? substack sure something like that substack and then you can make edits directly to the d1.substack fork or to d1.prime (d1.mafintosh) substack or merge them into a single fork substack the problem I see with having pulls shift you into conflict state is that conflicts are impossible to solve in the general case substack so it's usually going to be messy to merge them substack and that will take time substack and being in a conflict state means you've got to drop EVERYTHING to go and fix it mafintosh true substack and you can't really do anything else until the conflict is dealt with substack that is how pretty much every historical database works and it's terrible substack but the solution is simple: just decouple merging from pulling mafintosh substack: so if you push changes to me its my responsibility to merge them (at some point in the future)? substack that's one way substack it could work like a pull request where you decide to merge a contribution as an explicit step substack but I think it's very important, especially if non-experts are using this software, that when you push or pull software, you should always get the software substack and then somebody who is "good at computers" can merge the forks substack s/software/data/g mafintosh substack: awesome feedback, thanks mafintosh substack: the current draft is basically just trying to mirror how git does things

max-mapper commented 9 years ago

We'll be live in a few

max-mapper commented 9 years ago

Check out video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4J9CSoQ-4-0