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Benefits of slight repositioning, expanding of vision #63

Open aschrijver opened 6 years ago

aschrijver commented 6 years ago

Current positioning

(NOTE This post is part 1 of Positioning, vision and future direction of the Dat Project)

Dat et al - in its current state - is actually a generic technology framework for creating decentralized solutions of any kind. But it is not presented nor positioned as such! The landing page on datproject.org quickly states: "Powerful data sharing from your desktop" and later "Dat is the package manager for data. Share files with ..."

If I would want to use Dat for a different use case, say an event collaboration framework, and not distract you from your science community focus, then I would have to seriously untangle and recompose current modules, add different glue and logic. This because your focus is on file exchange, including hyperdrive, etc. No problem, but it would lead to extra work if later on you would like to incorporate the cool modules I have created.

I might have missed Dat Project altogether in my technology research given its application focus, just like I may have missed another viable candidate because it was positioned solely as an IRC app.

Broader vision

Broadening your horizon and calling it a technology framework (or platform, or whatever is fitting) and explicitly positioning as such will cost you nothing in terms of how the core modules are developed and the pace in which that occurs. You can still have the dedicated core team you have now.

And it would alleviate the feeling spin-off initiatives might have of being more or less out in the cold, taking big risk in diversifying from the overall direction.

On your landing page you would have to extract the application parts and place them somewhere separately, but more on that later..


There are a number of benefits to be gained:

  1. Spin-off (legitimate) decentralization initiatives that are using Dat have - by the nature of the technology - usually a similar set of high moral, ethical values and goals. While they can operate completely independently and not burden your team, they will also have an inclination to fund you, or make donations

  2. These spin-offs will broaden the ecosystem and bring unexpected additions that are useful to your cause (e.g. in security, mobile, networking, social, deep learning, etc.)

  3. More (useful) contributions to the core, like documentation, more contributors. More ability to delegate support to the community

  4. Having a successful technology in the field of Decentralized Computing (instead of a successful application) will be much more of an incentive for newcomers, competing technologies and players to emerge, which is a healthy thing, leads to cross-pollination, more creativity, etc.

Current threats

That last point is especially important. As @joehand already pointed out there are unusual forces out there against the success of decentralized computing solutions, which you don't find in other technology areas. Besides oppressive governments there is the commercial aspect. The field is not only not so commercially attractive (a good thing probably), but could also become a threat to current status quo (internet monopolists, etc.). And if applied to local sharing communities any government is not so happy about the taxes the miss out on with all the non-intrinsic bartering and doing each other favours.

From about 2001 the internet is strewn with the corpses of 'the decentralized web is coming'- and 'we must act now before regulation strikes'-type initiatives. They did not survive, but I think for most of them it was their positioning, not the 'evil' forces that led to their demise. But these forces are steadily growing and will become more and more truly felt.

Repositioning ideas

Just doing a bit of brainstorming and ideation here, since restructuring needs a well thought-out plan. Names are just indicative.

Required effort

Now this looks like a lot of work, and part of it will certainly be. But most changes can be adopted gradually on a clean migration path.

Next part: Analysis of dat community culture and development approach

benrogmans commented 6 years ago

Although I think the structure you propose is good I don't think there should be that many websites.

I'd put everything on just one website. On the homepage I would promote the consumer/scientists product(s) / or most accessible software (everything you would put on datsharing.org)

And have three subsections on the site:

NB. Good move to split your thorough analysis into smaller chunks @aschrijver

aschrijver commented 6 years ago

Yes, you are right. When I created it I started from current Dat, which also has a multi-site design. Later I added the case study of vert.x, which is organized in the way you suggest.

(Am also happy on the split-up, was significant work. Thank @joehand for closing the other issue :wink:)