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dat cli #5

Open okdistribute opened 8 years ago

okdistribute commented 8 years ago

The commandline interface to dat, currently found on http://github.com/datproject/dat

This project includes also doing user testing with the cli. This means watching the screens of brand new folks and taking notes while they explore the commandline interface. You can ask them to do things, but refrain from explaining anything pre-emptively. This allows you to really get a feel for how most users will interact with the cli, since they won't have someone holding their hand explaining each step.

lukeburns commented 8 years ago

@mafintosh thought it'd be a good idea to prototype raw mode separately. I implemented something here: https://github.com/lukeburns/dat-pipe.

jasdeepkhalsa commented 8 years ago

Just like in previous versions of dat, I would love to see the diff CLI option again, to diff two datasets and changes within a single dataset (and possibly even to output those to STDOUT and/or a file and/or CSV and/or JSON). I think this is an extremely powerful feature, which should already have been programmed in some way since dat is doing deduplicating data between versions behind the scenes - so would possibly just be a case of exposing this feature/function as a CLI option.

jasdeepkhalsa commented 8 years ago

Also, I strongly feel the repos:

And any others directly related to what the dat team are working on should be available under the namespace/user https://github.com/datproject as jumping between different users just to find the core dat repos is a confusing user experience and makes them seem like they are not the official repos.

okdistribute commented 8 years ago

@mafintosh @maxogden thoughts? I see @jasdeepkhalsa's point

juliangruber commented 8 years ago

I have no problem with moving dat-desktop to the datproject org, however individually hosted repos have a few advantages still:

  1. since there's no "official" version of something, the community is invited to collaborate and fork more. there's more of a sense of collective ownsership
  2. one can play around ideas without having to call it "official"
  3. individuals get more stars on their github accounts

I guess we could get around 1. by employing a model like level or koa, where people are invited to join the org early on and can create repos themselves.

To me, part of the confusion also stems from there even being a datproject organisation - if there is one, it should also at least host the user facing projects like dat and the websites / apis.

Whether we actually need the datproject org is another question - for simplicity, my vote is iff we keep the datproject org, then we need to use it and move all the user facing projects there.

The only real alternative that I see is getting rid of the datproject org and adding a technical part to dat's website, that summarizes where all the parts are, maybe even showing streams of updates, etc. I would prefer this approach, and would be curious to see how it works out, but otherwise am not that strongly opinionated on this matter.

clemsos commented 7 years ago

hi there, I am (re) discovering dat which has changed a lot in a year :) great job ! After playing with the dat cli for a while, here are some features I felt :

anyway, I am super interested to work more with dat ! Thanks for this :+1: :)