dat-ecosystem / comm-comm

Community Communication
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20200430 - meeting #143

Open martinheidegger opened 4 years ago

martinheidegger commented 4 years ago

Just an hour hanging out and talking about DAT stuff.

:point_right: Post a comment in this github issue with any topics you'd like to cover this week

:alarm_clock: Time: 30 Apr 2020, 17:00 Asia/Tokyo

:link: https://zoom.us/j/181036238 (Native) :link: https://zoom.us/wc/join/181036238?pwd= (Web)

Timezone Date/Time
Sydney 2 Apr, 6 PM
Tokyo 2 Apr, 5 PM
Berlin 2 Apr, 10 AM
Buenos Aires 2 Apr, 5 AM
New York 2 Apr, 4 AM
Los Angeles 2 Apr, 1 AM

Or in your local time: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Dat+Comm-Comm+Meeting+2020-04-30&iso=20200416T17&p1=671&ah=1

chrmod commented 4 years ago

Would like to discuss React Native situation in more details. Together with @sammacbeth we have prepared a POC of DAT working in ReactNative: https://github.com/cliqz/dat-react-native Filesystem, crypto and network work correctly and we are able to load DAT resources on both Android and iOS.

@RangerMauve have risen performance problems with React Native architecture https://github.com/cliqz/dat-react-native/issues/3#issuecomment-620925858 and suggests to use nodejs-mobile or something similar.

IMO work on React Native is still relevant as:

jankaszel commented 4 years ago

@chrmod this is exciting work! i won't be able to join the call, though... could people on the call highlight the discussion on the meeting notes? i'd highly appreciate that 🥇 and maybe do a follow-up on next calls.