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Added initial draft of newsletter for April #5

Closed RangerMauve closed 5 years ago

RangerMauve commented 5 years ago

Hey all, I'd like to get a newsletter out at the beginning of May with some stuff from April. Here's a draft with a few items that I could think of.

I'd also like to mention something related to planning and the working group but I'm not sure how to phrase it. Something like "Follow these repos to stay up to date on upcoming improvements to the spec"?

Also, if anyone has links or news that we could add, please post them here. :)

Gonna try to get this out on Friday. :)

CC @hossameldeen (maybe you could give a brief summary of the project you linked to before so we can include it in the newsletter)

arj03 commented 5 years ago

Not exactly what the scope of this newsletters is, but we recently added support for dat to patchbay for better integration between ssb and dat.

RangerMauve commented 5 years ago

@arj03 That's awesome! We should definitely have that in the newsletter! :D

arj03 commented 5 years ago

Great :) Some more background on how this could be used

RangerMauve commented 5 years ago

@arj03 How does that look to you? :)

arj03 commented 5 years ago

Excellent, thanks :)

hossameldeen commented 5 years ago

Thanks for remembering me, @RangerMauve!

I'm not sure if you want it to be a one-liner or a few sentences, but here it is & feel free to ask me to shorten it.

Transparent Salaries by Hossam El-Deen

A social network for sharing anonymized salaries. A Beaker Browser website where each user:

  • Posts anonymized salaries known to them, e.g., of people from their network, after taking their permission.
  • Specifies other users they trust to be honest and write true salaries.

Hossam El-Deen has been working on it for 6 months and has actually released it last December. An experiment in new software business models, it's available on Gumroad for $7. The code is open-source as well, but definitely not freemium.

It's been in a limbo state for some time now as it got no traction. But if you happen to find it useful to you, feel free to buy a copy :-)

Ad: Hossam is currently looking for a remote job, related to dat or not. You can reach out to him here.


## [Transparent Salaries](https://github.com/hossameldeen/transparent-salaries) by [Hossam El-Deen](https://github.com/hossameldeen)

A **social network** for sharing **anonymized** salaries. A [Beaker Browser](https://beakerbrowser.com/) website where each user:

- **Posts _anonymized_ salaries known to them**, e.g., of people from their network, after taking their permission.
- **Specifies other users they trust** to be honest and write true salaries.

[Hossam El-Deen](https://github.com/hossameldeen) has been working on it for 6 months and has actually released it last December. An experiment in new software business models, it's [available on Gumroad](https://gumroad.com/l/gDDIe) for $7. The code is [open-source](https://github.com/hossameldeen/transparent-salaries) as well, but definitely [not freemium](https://github.com/hossameldeen/transparent-salaries/blob/master/LICENSE).

It's been in a limbo state for some time now as it got no traction. But if you happen to find it useful to you, feel free to [buy a copy](https://gumroad.com/l/gDDIe) :-)

**Ad:** Hossam is currently looking for a remote job, related to dat or not. You can reach out to him [here](https://forms.gle/S8ZwPGH8pVprfjvd8).

Feel free to omit the ad in the end if you feel it irrelevant to the newsletter.

Again, please, take total freedom in suggesting changes or even changing it to a one-liner.

okdistribute commented 5 years ago

@hossameldeen I wonder if you could post your description of your website somewhere so we could link to it in the newsletter under "new community projects" ? There's already a lot of text in this month's newsletter and I'm afraid that it'll be too long to add all of that. Thank you!

rjcorwin commented 5 years ago

Mentioning the upcoming DWeb camp (https://dwebcamp.org/) would be cool. I'm on their Open Dialogue call right now and they are talking about how they will not have Internet at the conf but will have a mesh network, seeing it as an interesting challenge for P2P projects to work over offline LAN.

rjcorwin commented 5 years ago

Also Offline Camp announced dates! w00t! Another fun outdoor adventure for folks who love offline P2P http://offlinefirst.org/camp/

RangerMauve commented 5 years ago

@hossameldeen I agree with Karissa, a link to a blog post would probably be easier to keep things succinct.

@rjsteinert I think we should put offline camp in the next one since it's a lot further away. :o

hossameldeen commented 5 years ago

@karissa @RangerMauve Yup, sure :)

Just link to the GitHub repo, please: https://github.com/hossameldeen/transparent-salaries

RangerMauve commented 5 years ago

Hi @hossameldeen I don't think that paid projects are in the spirit of the newsletter. It might be better to go through traditional advertising avenues for that. :)

RangerMauve commented 5 years ago

Cool, gonna merge what we have so far and draft up the newsletter in mailchimp. We'll release it on Tuesday since that's a better day to get people to read it.

hossameldeen commented 5 years ago

@RangerMauve I highly disagree, but won't argue here in order to not let the PR go off topic. Opened an issue #6.

By the way, I don't mind merging the PR at all. I understand there was no time to discuss such point :-)

joehand commented 5 years ago

See newsletter here: https://mailchi.mp/779e4e327572/dat-project-newsletter-spring-2019

Changed a few items: