data-8 / connector-instructors

Resources for Connector Instructors
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Grading resources #42

Open clcarson opened 7 years ago

clcarson commented 7 years ago

Where do we describe resources for grading?

@yuvipanda wrote in an email

I am also in contact with the wonderful folks who build and maintain the ok server (which data8 now uses for grading, tests, and other course support) about writing an OK authenticator. This would make it easy for other connectors to use the same tools that John uses for his courses, and also to limit access based on rosters. Thoughts welcome on

yuvipanda commented 7 years ago

I know that @sumukh talked about the grading offers, and that's what data8 uses. I've not personally used it myself, however.

choldgraf commented 7 years ago

the connectortools module does some of this. I was thinking of building out the grading stuf more, but wasn't sure whether there would be a commitment to OKpy or not.

Once we have an idea for a possible grading workflow, we should write up the kind of page that @clcarson describes in the top comment. I just haven't put anything in writing because I'm not sure that we've established a "best practice" yet

clcarson commented 7 years ago

The student infrastructure team (Steve Wu) has elements to add in here (grading infrastructure, bCourses). I've asked @anthonysuen and @gunjanbaid to guide them in producing a draft, testing the tools, and getting leadership buy-in before putting on the wiki.

choldgraf commented 7 years ago

sounds great - we can leave this issue open until it's time to integrate that info into the wiki. Until then, I'll keep my little grading functions in there in the hopes that they'll be useful to some connectors.

choldgraf commented 7 years ago

I added a quick auto-running function and example here:

LMK if that'd be useful or if you have thoughts. This isn't a grading solution by a long shot, but should make it more convenient for people to run student notebooks in batches.

choldgraf commented 7 years ago

hey all - so is there anything actionable in this thread at this point? Do we want to continue having a grading infrastructure conversation here? Or shall we post-pone that and close this issue if it's happening elsewhere?